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Ceel O'Neil | James | |
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Laura Connors | Tom Fletcher |
When the doors opened they shivered by the change in temperature. Ashad imagined, there were many people willing to play, although they did not know what it was, only familiar faces Danny saw that he looked nervous looking from side to side, Harry, and Godzilla teacher. Anna was surprised of the fact that Tom was not because it was he who had arranged everything ...
had installed a small table in the middle of all the world were about to start . The two rushed to hear the explanation.
- As you know the rewards of this game isspecial permission to stay out of school for a whole weekend ... - in the emphasis they heard a murmur of approval, and understand why so many people. - The game is to collect parts of costumes, that is, when you apuntéis, we'll make a list of every object you have to get out of costume, which will be yours - no one seems to understand to the operation, so the man coughed to better explain the characters .- According to present yourself, those are the objects that will have to look ... so this becomes a gameor completely detached, you are all your enemies. - Heard a few more squeals of joy. - Obviously, nobody wants that removed part of her costume, so I hope that you use the best tricks to free you of the opponent ... All this will pass in the woods behind the school, will go to entering group to group and once inside you will have to dispersing, anyone to worry if you lose, there will be some teachers with lanterns hanging around the woods in case someone is missing ... but watch out - he said to give mystery - if you see someone ringing a bell, m & amp; aacute; s better that you should lie and you take off of his ways, because if you get caught you will be directly eliminated. - Anna Debbie noticed how tense, instead she was eager to play. - And now for one on one, come FREE list.
While waiting in the queue, Anna could not stop looking at Debbie who had a rather frightened expression: What the hell made him so sure that Anna was only because it would no longer afraid? What was to do was a suicide.
The chicos talked about the strategies they would use to secure victory.
- Eeehh I think that's going to be a little difficult to hide in the woods with it. - Danny said laughing at the costume Dougie. The claimant was left stunned face.
- Hell is true, I had forgotten it was so great ... - Dougie snorted - because then I can not play step of getting stuck between the & aacute; trees - Dougie complained moving up and down the obese arms. - It's the same anyway ... no need to get out much - she answered the same Dougie, more for self-pity than to inform.
- Quiet lagartijilla, however is what all the years ... - tried to comfort Harry taking him by the neck. Harry had not overlooked the fact that Danny was especially interested in playing, strangely enough, because in any cities nearby had had friends ...the feeling that it was not for the reward, if not by someone who was going to participate ... and I thought I knew who it was.
- I need to get out of here man, I'll go crazy seeing everyone with the same bland suit all days ... - Danny said clasping his hands behind his head.
- ... only about two months ... - Harry whispered, fitting hatcowboy with one hand and between them there was a tense moment as Danny, for once, had caught Harry's skepticism at his excuse to play the game. Dougie seemed not to hear the commentary because of the thickness of the huge head of the costume.
- If good luck for both, as I'm going to give me something with this ... find someone around here ; out to be a bit more ... - Dougie had already taken the bass - come, goodbye victims of my awesome power. - Bothlooked at him with compassion until he was exaggerating a smile. Again, there was silence, Harry thought that perhaps had blundered dismantle emphasizing both Danny's alibi.
- I do not know why I bother to play ... do you want to get the reward without difficulty? - Danny said, shrugging his shoulders, Harry doubted seriously if he had said what he said because he had realized his intentions, but concluded that Danny was not as resbused.
- I really do not care, it's just that I do not want you to look for trouble because then you go head swelling Tom Tom and then turns to me. - Harry replied.
Problems? thought Danny.
- Tranqui, I'm not looking for trouble, would be the last ... and quiet, nor Tom nor I will askeither you come with me that weekend. - Danny laughed apologetically, but Harry laughed too, shaking his head, certainly Danny refused to see the obvious and had better cease to insist.
Along the way were discussing what they would do once inside the forest were completely dark. Debbie did not seem as excited as before, much less, did nothing but complain about everything that was supposed to play, the strategies proposed by Anna, that he was grieved fríoy ; an feet.
- ; What you can do is get behind me all the way, you know in india ... row - Debbie was proposed to Anna while clinging to his arm.
- Yeah, right, and attack me from behind. - Debbie complained, Anna snorted to be tired of all the stick it said.
- Well if you want you stand in front and not move ever. - Concluded Anna csternly on Debbie's mouth twitched. - Or if you want to go alone. - And said giving him a dirty look. Since then he had managed to wear you down.
- Aunt not, anyway ... if I'm thinking about playing or not ... - Debbie said hesitantly leaving Anna to face stunned.
- not bother me now that we have already noted, it might have thought before! - Was reallyand half angry shouting. After this they were silent and just stayed in the forest where they would have to meet everyone. Anna
done time stared at the list they were given the parts of the costumes they had to get ... would be an arduous task. Debbie stared at people looking at the costumes that the light from the streetlights did not give almost no fear ... almost, and not even considering what we had in there would be no light, it was getting very nervous and was about to tell Anna that he was wrong to return to their habitacióny escondersand under his sheets when the nervous look came across this tall man with long black cloak. Was explaining the directions to some students and making bad jokes ... Debbie sighed unconsciously, and at that time Eric looked up at her. How do you know I'm here? was asked what part of your brain which is not heard while the other side was roped in his smile Why must be so cute? thought biting her lip. Tried to react quickly, and noted their eyes to tindex and heart with defiant and then pointed his own: a clear declaration of war. He further stressed his smile and returned the gesture, When she made the gesture was as sexy as when he did? It was something incomprehensible.
He turned to a motion and was directly opposite to Anna, she smiled, took her hand and dragged her to where she was the center of the crowd, already were organizing groups start the game. While they were waiting to be named, looked at his side and saw Danny with Harry, for some reason & oacute; n Anna was startled to see that they were together and that, more importantly, both would participate. cares if it is safest not find me either ... Anna thought giving one excuse after another to calm down. Then a strong voice shouting "SCOTT AND HAWKINS, Anna went rigid as the adrenaline ran through the body and said to come along with Debbie.
The two looked whence the voice that had answered, and there was the girl in white dress with abundant hair casTana. When he saw how hard Danny laughed and whistled to get his attention, Anna turned mechanically and he laughed at it openly, Anna saw it and laughed Danny Harry with raised eyebrows and smiling. Ceñoy furrowed tongue were pulled out in disgust, then went into the thick forest.
entered a group of eight and came together as the five minutes they were completely lost: Debbie Anna was really close behind her holding it with both hands around her waist while the other was feeling the he ; trees to avoid any accidente. It seemed like miles traveled as they are not a single light more than that showed the moon fortunately, that night was full moon. Only heard his footsteps, breathing and occasionally passing a suspicious sound very close ... and of course, the occasional scream.
They moved slowly to avoid surprises, but Debbie was determined to not to move and so as people come to them, was telling when they heard a thud.
"Hush - Anna ordered Debbie covering the mouth and supporting the other hand on a tree, Debbie was totally paralizada. Anna leaned over quietly and the other also, the fact that they were white and pastel pink did not help to hide. Anna was watching a fixed point in front of them, a shadow quite high; Debbie rather die than spend the fear I was feeling, holding with both hands tightly to the strong arm that had been Anna at the mouth of her friend though had been crouching.
doubted very much that did not see it, but hopefully the diagonal position in which the intruder was give them an advantage through the trees. Despite being a game, he did not know where people were willing to go to leave a fin the week. The shadow continued to move in a cat, as Anna had assumed they had not seen, or at least, not where they had hidden . Certainly looked like a monster of darkness by the way he moved, its thinness and the various arms emanating from the trunk.
When he reached a small clearing began to walk normally, and Anna could see his face, no doubt it was Ray. Just could not resist laughter. He left without any concern for its strategic position, Ray pegase causing the shock of his life, Anna laughed out loud by the reactionN this, Debbie was very close to Anna, if she knew then they were safe.
- Bitch, go scare you hit me - Ray complained giving a slap on the arm. - In that dress looked like a ghost or something ...
- Anda you, walking around as if you were a snake & hellip , - Anna replied while Ray laughed maliciously.
- & nbsp; Well, now you give me the crown. - Ray said, suddenly dropping his voice and raising his eyebrows with an authoritarian gesture, Anna frowned.
- Really? - Ray nodded - it'll be no, I have found you first ... - tried to impose Anna, Debbie was looking from one to another "as soon would lose? Ray's mouth twitched thoughtfully, and finally shrugged.
- & nbsp; I can remove you from the bad, I'm taller than you ... - "Ray said raising his hands to his head.
- No - Anna said holding the crown with both hands, he was certain that Ray drew a head, but no it was going to like that.
Ray chuckled.
- We deal! - Anna looked question- you give me the crown and I give you one of my arms, my purpose - Ray proposed by pursing her mouth and eyebrow movement.
- That's not a fair price ... you have five arms more - said Anna skeptical.
- Give thanks that I will not remove the item to your friend - Debbie stiffened for having thought do they go unnoticed, finalmente brought him the finger and laughed Ray. Anna looked thoughtful, however that did it, if I had to give the crown to someone better than him.
- OK - Anna agreed and took the crown with care while Ray was yanked one fabric arms.
- Graaacias - Ray smiled - and I go, it is not convenient to stay in one place too long. & Amp; ndash, and went briskly. Both
resumed the road without saying a word, hooking Debbie back to Anna's waist. Iban crossing without any problems until I started hearing a bell. The two were startled.
- Run - Anna whispered while disponíaa run, but the hands of Debbie still clinging to his waist is . He stopped and looked at her questioningly.
- Aunt I think I'llto pay, that this game do not like ... - Anna looked at her seriously and sighed.
- Do what you want - Anna said angrily turned around and slipped quickly through the trees leaving Debbie all alone with the insistent bell around her. Debbie
went in the opposite direction from that Anna was totally sullen, until now I knew he was lost and worst of all, it was still listening to the bell . It had been a capricious in inciting Annato play and then not do more than give pain in the ass, not to mention how stupid it was so quick to accept that infernal game was like signing your own death ... but signing by an attractive vampire. It was getting too many illusions about Eric, for the love of God, was a teacher, but something told him the way he looked was not the same one he looked at the other & hellip ; Maybe he really was losing my mind. He tried to retrace his steps, trot, now everything seemed the same place, as if running in circles, desperate, began to call Anna to gritos, which made her an easy target. He quickly tired, so I slowed and although he had not met Anna, at least he had stopped listening to the bell.
Then he realized that was totally lost, taking small steps and looking all around in case someone appeared by surprise, had a premonition that someone was nearby but was completely helpless. Without further delay, of his back jumped a werewolf pouncing on her, Debbie had not screamed and shouted in his life, letting go of the arms that clung to the hSHOULDER and turning away.
- already mine - the werewolf screamed in ecstasy. Debbie saw coming toward him, putting his hands on the tutu, she frowned.
- that speaks, that cost me a MONEY - two quarters replied highest Debbie, struggling with its possession n. Werewolf furious to find so much resistance and was a kick below,luckily it was all made sense and very little dodged, was stunned. - You're crazy.
- pulgoso Hey, I think you're crossing the line ... - Eric interrupted calm tone broke through the trees. Debbie and the werewolf looked at the vampire, though in different ways: hatred and relief. Eric came to stand between the two, grabbed the boy's hand tightly and snapped away Tutu. - You better run or I'll have you andxpulsen .- looking sternly said, Debbie had never seen his teacher as well, but now that's what mattered least, he had saved.
The werewolf growled and ran, Eric smiled pleased to have been so efficient, being turned away from the front with his student, taking her gently by the shoulders.
- Are you hurt? - Asked by visual examination. Debbie was out of breath, both the attack and for him.
- No, no. He actually has not come to touch me ... - he lowered his voice as he looked at his hands resting on her bare shoulders, the effect was electrifying. He seemed to notice and without alarm, as if he had consciously and almost reluctantly removed his hands.
- You scared me, as I ran I heard you cry in your search .- Debbie noticed the tears as I went an in her eyes and did not even know why we walk .-, II will get out of here.
thereby taking turns; Debbie was still very scared, and with this pretext rushed to his side to grab his arm and take her hand that would be too close. Eric just smiled openly, without devoting even a gaze, was released without leaving your arm Debbie serious thinking he had made a mistake, but nevertheless, Eric took one end of his cloak and surrounded by men about their body warm and the cold. Debbie could not believe what was happening but would not make a fool keeping forms. While advanced
Zaban by the thick forest in the way one would imagine, commenting on the play, decorations, joking continued ... arguably was not simply a teacher with his student. Due to the closeness of their bodies Debbie could see that his pants were hanging from the bell, damn, he was one of the judges who expelled the players, it speeds up the heart more even the thought that surely he would have seen and could have been expulsion, however, were there. The cold had deepened as the night had advanced, but neither noticed itn. Could see the end while Eric is accentuated smile
- As you see I think I'll look for a problem & ndash , said while the steam out of his mouth abruptly. Debbie felt stupid, at least the cold had its advantages: he had pulled the colors from the beginning of the night and could not blush more. Virtually
forced him to get it out and probably feel bad to see so cold, and above would causerle more problems, could be more stupid?
emerged from the forest As he released her and took her wrist in the direction away brisk buildings, the fact that they separated so abruptly made Debbie crave warmth. With the little light that provided the streetlights Debbie could see that Eric's facial makeup was almost nonexistent, leaving their more masculine features marked by the shadows, his hand still firmly grasping fully to his wrist. They went to the back of the buildings.
- & nbsp; You'll be okay if you go alone? - Eric asked worriedly, still holding her wrist.
- Yes, yes. Do not worry ... - Debbie replied quickly trying to hide his disappointment to say goodbye. Eric looked nervous from one place to another.
- Well see you on Monday. - Eric smiled pulling away slowly.
Chemistry is ... this would be as close as it would be.At the door he sighed, and decided to look back, unusually quickened heart, and never would, of course, Eric was in the same place where they had parted with a smile . Debbie responded by smiling back and waving his arm warmly. He waved a little hand and turned away out of sight.
ran through the forest surprisingly agile and quiet. I was very angry with Debbiand by his selfishness, he really was unconscious to do things, and the mistakes crept around him. Going to take a while aimlessly, he calmed down and knew he was not really her fault, surely there was something that prompted her to play that way, and be responsible to find out.
chuckled, remembering that he had no crown, thus practically had nothing to do there, sighed, releasing a considerable amount of steam, since when did so cold? Cold Sweat's career leaves him uncomfortable and he mingled with the long hair. The guidance does notwas precisely one of the virtues of Anna
- Go ... - said struck a familiar male voice. Anna raised her head with a start to see Harry walking with parsimony and hands in the pockets of his long coat, for a change, Anna and I was nervous, even though they had t wasteode to hope he could not help shivering. Harry could boast attractive, with a grid without being nasty chin, lips, shapely and, although the hat could not be seen, had blue eyes almost the same shade as the cause of Anna ... , an his eyes the same effect that it? Anna could swear that Harry was almost the same height as Ray, maybe deliver him an inch, the cowboy hat partially covered her hair but it was a dark brown which used to be a small ridge. Anna usually not used like menis a beard, but Harry was the exception, the little knob beneath his lower lip and traces of previous day's cheeks turned crazy. He had to admit that what little they had agreed had been set at all ... maybe too much. Anna
simply wait to be closer, he was breathing through your mouth dropping heavy fog, certainly if there was something to feel, Anna was not exactly cold. When they were very close to each other, leaving Harry looked up to see his eyes under the brim of his hat to his surprise, she held his gaze.
Alone? - Harry finally said, was not aware if they had spent any length of time in silence.
- You see, I have left it there ... - Anna laughed. He changed his leg for support.
- Well stranger, then I have no choice but to give it to you ... - Harry commented availableendorsement to remove his hat, Anna frowned.
- What? But if you've found me - said she did not even hint to stop him. What a strange conversation.
- Not really, just that they kept their eyes on the ground ... - Harry added with a wry smile lifting an eyebrow skeptical, Anna laughed a little. Anna's eyes narrowremarking on how a little cat through thick and long dark eyelashes. Something happened between them, getting ridiculously tense environment, thought Anna.
She bit her lip. Harry only sighed for enigma of Anna and finished off his hat carefully placing it on the head of Anna, she opened her mouth to murmur but he went ahead- ; Ssshhh
... ... - Harry whispered while it fit, the finish looked at her with a smirk. & Amp; ndash; not your crown, but it suits you. No need to thank me, careful estate only for the next time, lady.And without even giving time to breathe went the way it came. I did not understand why he had given his order, she had lost in the moment that gave the crown to Ray and he seemed to know.
had to leave the wood, before having more meetings timely and pick up their girlfriends. But as if God had ignored their requests again had a chance encounter. -
CHTMLuckilyLXC meet someone, I have from the beginning without coming across anyone -
Danny commented as the two approached. I did not know how he could have forgotten about Danny, the same as it was pulling the yews all the time. When they could look good to Danny's face was changed to an expression mixed between anger confusióny. - Harry have already superseded?
was to be a very silly girl because she had forgotten to remove his hat when he saw Danny, but why should I have? After all she was not one and if that was jealous of Danny, because que and was not going to put it as easy as he thought. - could call it ... - fumbled Anna, knew he was playing with fire but was prepared to do . Come to think of, Danny and Harry had come together and yet they had been found separately, here was something fishy .- How is it that you have separated?
- Let
bestso the truth - Danny replied to his attack. Anna was thinking too much, making things in his head should give round and round. Is that Danny had made a trap? Of course he was mistaken if he thought he was going to be seduced. She began to get very angry, his pride came out, but after that it took that side, she knew that I did not want is that Danny take a longer.
was now more confused than before, what matter if taken as one more? If it affected him, it meant that something had for that guy. To meWe had reached a point clear, now Danny was not going to get anything, if it was going to happen as she wanted and where she chose. He saw her as quiet innocence frowned and lifted his hat half covering his face.
something wrong? - Asked Danny afflicted, but not in any way, if not his voice hoarse and soft. Dodge mission would not be as easy as I thought. Anna lifted her chin defiantly.
& nbsp; No, not really ... I was just thinking how to get out of here - Anna answered normally.
-Will you surrender? - Danny asked in amazement.
- VirtuallyI've lost ... - shrugged - I'm also pretty tired - and added ; lying - you knowhow to get out? - Danny smiled a little and went.
-Look ... - took her by the shoulders, Anna nervously stiffened, turned on itself , put her head between her neck and shoulder letting go of a hand and was showing .- ... you have to go that way - said Danny somewhere between the trees Anna just could attend and he was whispering in his ear. Now that was so close he could see the faintsmell of alcohol, maybe that would explain the blatant approach. I had no idea how to get rid of it, was not even sure if that was what I wanted. While Danny was dangerously close to Anna, did not come to beat his chest in the back of it, it may be considered too much for today. The splendid hair smelled damn good and his shoulders seemed so delicate ... But I knew I could not treat her like the others, was his friend, but felt a strong attraction to her and then as his head for the beer he could not control her movements well.
She felt threatened by all the nerves of his body and had to do something to stop this, but pressure from Danny's hand did not help. Deep breath and turned. Error. Danny had not moved an inch, now it was just as close, but face to face foolish move on their part. Unlike her, he was breathing normally, might not be fully aware of the situation, but I doubt it very much. Neither could stop looking at each other's eyes, searching for an answer until the moment when Danny smiled a little and went, yes, finalmenI, came to her lips. Anna started and could react quickly turning his head slightly, the soft lips of Danny ended up just below his jaw, at least he had managed to dodge.
Unfortunately for Anna, he laughed against his neck, pressing her lips against the sensitive skin goosebumps you holding your breath can not keep his eyes closed. Danny seeing no resistance, his lips began to move gently in the same area, Anna growled releasing the air in a gasp, put his hands on Danny's shoulders and turned away as he could from him. I really like what Danny hac & iacute a, but it did. Turned away from her even holding her elbows and looked into his eyes again. It was impossible to describe his expression.
Danny ... Good night - Anna whispered away from him, without even looking at him.
When he was far enough away from him, he ran away, as if to escape the worst of their sins. But what was I thinking? Danny was sure he would feel humiliated for having been rejected, and worst of all, it hasBia was the basis for a reason. He must have swallowed his pride, admit I felt something for Danny Jones and surrender to him. Any rational person would call an idiot for having waste a guy like him, of course had to do something to solve this tremendous error. I wish I had a solution ... At least Anna hoped that others would not have been through so much like her.