Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Brazilian Camper For Sale The beloved adorable
Of the few stories I've done almost entirely by hand (do not usually make my stories by hand. I think a lot faster than that line, so I prefer to type). I was totally lost in my Linguistics class, thinking of Macondo and wanting to know all the gossip of the Buendia, when I got to write.
If I'm honest, I was going to write when he came to my house, but are several times when the ideas do not stay long enough for me to get to my nearest computer. So now every time my mind starts to wander I have a pen in hand. Or a pen. I do not like l & amp; aacute; pices.
Some parts were modified in the transcript, but tried to leave the parties as they were legible. The others are lost because when I write fast enough to reach my imaginacióny leave at a fixed point while I finish writing develop ugly. Very ugly. And I hit things or do I get my m, n, u, v, i and all the letters appear and form a spot xDDD encrypted and also could not reach the final and yesterday did not know how to deal with it. Schemes was very simple, but still gets out of hand. It is wrong to write in two parts, you lose the idea.
Anyway, I liked this image de Deidara female transvestite, who enjoys making her in-laws believe it's a woman. But above all, love Itachi see it that way and be as formal and cryptic to things. He loves Deidara as a man and let others view it as women.
Here is the link (something I ever asked to do Fush): loved The adorable
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Traditional Lobsterboat Plans Exhausted
I started writing one day when I was so tired that my eyes were spinning. I hate those days ... And I did not want any, or live or anything, so I wrote the first lines of what looked like a decent ItaSasu. Did not write it out this time and abortion ... I feel sorry for who had the honor of reading me, but I did not like.
Everything was fine until the "I love you" that I found disgusting and out of place, but could do anything for it. If not, where was the yaoi? and as of momentsto not remember what my password ... as China.
There were parts that I liked a lot. I think that just fucked the gorgeous love ... equal and fix it someday.
I have to study and read a lot) is over the bridge Bicentennial
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hemorrhoids More Condition_symptoms Presents for me!
just love it! ! It is beautiful, and leave hugging my son FrAwy. For those not aware (rare) I am the co-manager / mother of Friction Awards, along with Fush (
Here I presume my beautiful little drawing (:
Friday, September 10, 2010
Pillow And Popcorn Pictuers An appreciation of the size of the world
Fush (
edited and do it more beautiful ... but now I have no desire to write.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Clonazepam Color Dosage 35. Do you want to party? pt.2
thousand years to get upload but anyway, from this start and run (?), Must be attentive to detail and I recommend you read the fanfic from chapter one because it's always good to remember everything occurring and have them fresh.
finished in more than one hour examination, because despite being in recovery, the teacher had not cut his hair. He left the room closing the door quietly, was among the last to leave but there were still students examined, touched his hair intentionally while the other hand he held the dictionary of the pen latíny gRafo. He was surprised to see Danny in the hallway throwing a small red ball against the wall again and again, seemed to be quite entertaining.
- "Danny? - Anna said quizzically, then he looked as out of his thoughts - Do not have class? He asked, smiling. He stopped throwing the ball and both came a few steps.
- Yes I have it, - saidpointing out the classroom door that was next to hers. - But they are backed and I'm already approved. - The face of Anna was offended surprise. - So rare it is to adopt something? - Asked Danny fun.
- Well, that's not ... - Anna replied without really knowing how justified.
- No, yes it is. - Danny said laughing at himself. - It is EducacióN Physics, of the few things I do well.
- Mmmm good I defend maso less - said as he sat on a bench next to both; the truth was that he was a bit in the clouds still the test.
- Just out for a test? - He asked pointing to the dictionary, but still playing with the ball by throwing it into the air. CHT
MLXC - Yes - Danny gave him a glance to tell him - I do not know how I came out, I have answered all the questions, but who knows, sometimes I tend to accidentally invent answers ... - Anna said very serious, what he did to Danny laugh enough - no, I mean seriously. - Sigh - I bet this will be my martyrdom until the end of the course.
- We support each other then, like good useless. - And Danny held out his hand to shake as colleagues, they laughed.
- If you do not need classes, why are you out here? Would you have taken? - Both knew that although they were remedial classes, whether it was morning time was required to attend.
- Something has told me before I fall asleep or start to annoy others that I willeither .... - Anna was very serious with the comment, incredulous that a teacher could speak well. - Nah, I'm used , you know? I'd rather be out here to there with the delay that. I check myself to blame for the failure of those around me; as if I had the guilt of not giving a stick to water. - Danny was saying more and more indignant.
- And you have not spoken to anyone? - Asked Anna concernpada.
- With Tom some time ago - he said, Anna smiled a little to remember the power exerted Tom's education in school and how everyone would go, even her. He smiled to see where his thoughts were. - But there is not much to do, I gave it to the veterans of the school. It would be a mess complain to him, so he told me that while I approve and remain impartial to evaluate me ... I have no reason to worry - it seemed that the roomed repeatedly spoken to him on the vocabulary used. - But if I can not stand his attitude do not hesitate to say a few things. I would not know how. - Malicious smiled - but better not, I do not want to get Tom in trouble, after all, is the representative of all students. Go directly to the dodo. - Anna was smiling, Danny's attitude seemed poignant.
- Tom is a good friend ... - said she, Danny nodded.
- & amp; nbsp; too, I think. - Opened a little blue eyes - Sometimes I feel bad because I do not think you are ... - he said, they both laughed. Suddenly, Anna made one of his years on top of Danny, which was nervous that she would adopt for a moment and looked into her eyes without knowing that I wanted. She just stared back blankly.
- I get nervous. - Said it would, Danny looked at his hands and understanding securcute, what he meant, play with the ball and pushed it a little. Finally he smiled broadly and she pulled her hand away, sighing. They were silent, although easily.
- James is a heavy lately with the damn party ... - Danny said, wanted to talk about something. - I guess you already know about the party. - She nodded.
- Thetruth is yes, and this morning came to tell me James. Heavy, yes. - Anna said.
- 'll go, right? - Convinced Danny said, Anna was a little nervous about remembering the same insistence on Halloween because they participate to the game of the forest.
- I have not seen the invitation ... and James and others have not told me anything. - Anna said, making frown Danny & ntilde, or disapproval, looked and looked again at the pages of his dictionary. - But come on, anyway I have not really wanted to party, you know that cheerleading is not very well ... I fall - she laughed a little.
- Anna, do not Rayes. If you have not been invited, you come with me. - Said with determination, and hesitated to accept no for an answer. - Of course, I do not know what happens to this guy ... - muttered more to himself. She would not know who to refereeA, but could not help feeling a little sick in the proposal for Danny, but hoped that he had already made clear the term of friendship, and so it seemed.
- I think I'll go to the ticket to leave the dictionary, there is not much to ring the bell. - Anna said as she stood up and stretched. He kept the ball in his pocket.
- OK, but I want to give me a sure answer ... - Danny demanded whileWhile she stood behind the high socks, it nodded. - Tomorrow. - Anna laughed.
- Oh yes. - And took leave of him, hearing the door open and turned around to see how an old man sent him into the classroom, she smiled.
For more than half an hour that Anna should be there already, unless he had not seen the note; squirmed a bit on the piano bench and ran his fingers through his hair blond , thought he had grown considerably since September, it would perhaps long ... or not. He sighed and decided to pick up, walked to the door and reached out, but suddenly opened, which made him start staying est marginallyou; tico.
- Tom Sorry, I amused myself with tablóny you know I ... - Anna said as she opened the door Jan allergic and hurriedly entered the room at the floor, making it almost collided with Tom. Seeing her legs and looked up startled to see the face of his friend who had also appeared frightened. - Ui! - Cried and laughed while just inches away from Ely, and he smiled too.
- was going to get you, thought you would not have seen the note ... - Tom confessed while returning to the piano to lean é , l.
- You know that punctuality is not one of my virtues - Anna laughed significantly. He looked at the classroom with a frown - you'll go blind. - Said as he lit the switch, it is true that he had not realized that it was almost dark andthat the hours passed without feeling it. He was with the butt resting on the tail and feet crossed piano while resting their hands on each side, shrugged.
- What? - Asked Tom sincere, certainly hardly seen since she could not come. - I see you would ... - Anna smiled exposing her teeth and went to sit in the seats of the desks, as if in class and had left the papers on the table.
- & nbsp; I okay, I'm just tired. - Replied, shaking his head, Tom knew that when he said that was because something was wrong but did not feel like talking about it.
- Have you been assigned the punishment? - Tom asked again, Anna opened her eyes a little.
- How do you know that was a warning? - Frequently Askedamp; oacute; surprised, really was an omnipresent being. He smiled with glee.
- Who do you think you're talking about? - Said while shaking a little collar of his shirt arrogant gesture, both laughed.
- Yes, that's why my locker and saw your note. I had to go to the staff room, and good company as I have thrown me the sermon, - sighed - but as is the first time I do not care. As punishment I will ahacer in charge of the material of the gym, which means I'll have to get up early to prepare lessons and also later to pick it up ... - ended with a smile, she laughed Tom .
- At least it will after the holidays, right? - Asked trying to console, Anna nodded with regret - well not really a relief. - Added. He stretched his arms across the table leaving the jaw in it.
- Today was a great day ... - said quietly, but enough so that Tom hear her, he raised a skeptical eyebrow - I had a pathetic review, James biting my head with the fucking party - Tom laughed - I've met Danny, but the truth that has not been bad, and I'm bitter over for after Christmas. Oh, and Laura looks at me through the halls as if he had killed his father. - When he finished this last point he realized he had been a mistake, would not create any kind of conflict. Tom frowned. - By the way, he said he wanted to talk to you ...
- But I've been with her this morning ... - said ; thoughtful - The truth is that ultimately is very rare, it gets crazy every time I say I've been with you or whatever. Nothing has happened between you, right? - Stated rather than asked, to which Anna replied, shaking his head vigorously, I was nervous thinking about the fact that it bothered Laura friendship between them.
- hope you do not miss anything ... - Tom said worried, as he sat on the desk next to Anna, where E he had left his jacket, as he took off and sit across the table towards her the two were silent, touched her that Tom did not doubt it at any time and the great affection he felt for Laura.
- How are you doing? - Anna changed the subject tol look at the piano. He turned his head to see what referíay smiled.
- going to freak out - responded with a wink.
- I hope so. - She confessed. For some reason, he recalled the previous night when he saw Tom and Harry, and really felt a compelling need to know that we even knew he could not. - Last night I saw you walk por in front of my room.
- Ah yes, Harry, right? - Tom said recalling the moment. She had avoided saying that part for fear of what they would think your friend simply nodded.
- Yes, we were walking around talking a little bit of everything ... You know, the best friend of Laura & ndash ; added, Anna looked away with a slight smile, Tom was red between his teeth, he hated being so transparent at times.
- No, it's not what you think - was justified a little angry - Haarry is not my business, never has been good, I mean that it is water under the bridge. I not interested, Ela me either. Weekend - Anna hurriedly followed but his indignation was increased. He soon repented of having laughed and sighed.
- I know Anna, I just wanted to make you laugh a little, but I see you've taken it to heart ... - Tom said seriously, she groaned and bowed his head sick. Both knew that for her move from Harry not going to be about two days, but trying to be or appear so. Floor not talk about it anymore so I said - at least you'll be to the concert, right?
- Obvious - Anna said lifting his head again full of energy í a - my train leaves about four, so give me time. I would not fart what you have prepared two hundred years - Tom laughed - and I want to see if you're as good as they say. - Anna said trying to bite.
- Maybe disappoint you ... - Tom said sorry, she grimaced in disbelief. Anna thought it would not for more than two weeks, and certainly not talk until then, he felt a little embarrassed seeing what was going to feel alone.
- & amp; nbsp; At least give me time to say goodbye to everyone. - Anna began with a smile.
- Are not you going to the party? - Tom angrily asked leaning forward.
- do you? - She asked, puzzled. He nodded seriously still awaiting his response. - I do not know Tom... The world will be your ball and not that much ... I feel like - slowly released under the oppressive eye of Tom.
- If I get mad and I'll come pick you up at Nottingham - threatened Tom, Anna chuckled.
- Exaggerated. - She replied with disbelief, he raised an eyebrow skeptically.
- Try me. - Answered completely serious and serene, Anna wondered whether it was really capable of. - Do not make me the excuse that they do not know anyone and I'll ball my bla bla. Because you know that's a lie, well I know I'm not the only one who invited you - said very significantly, "Tom thought Danny would be the same as her?
- Well, okay, if you insist ... both replied securcute, finally getting to pray, biting their tongues. Tom's mouth turned into a wide smile that made two paths dimples appear on each side of the mouth, that always made him smile will smile Anna.
- Very well, then I'll be waiting 25 per night - Tom happy ending - and I hope you look very pretty . - Added intentionally.
- Shut up. & Ngo.
- I do not promise anything, but rest assured I will not go as if it were the Oscars ... - said flatly, é , he laughed.
- Okay, okay, I agree with that. - Ended it.
The sky was gray, just missing a couple of minutes ago, all the lamps were already lit, giving the court a gloomy aspect. Tom decided it was time to irsand, as soon serve dinner, everything was snowy outside, only the snow on the roads had turned away so that students had no problems, when I looked into the forest was like a huge white cloth with glasses of trees partially filled with snow, for some razñon always reminded to sugar what Tom laughed flasea by comparison.-
beautiful thing that the party was going very seriously, huh - he said again, to which Anna rolled his eyes - my advice to me, now if that is what I mean. She did not know what to face, he spent thousands of questions over his head but while his heart beat a hundred by now, his mind told him it was better not to know anything. So I attended the latter.-
I told you not promise anything - responded indifferently. Tom knew well where his thoughts were, he continued.
- should do at least teach thema lesson. - Added to the index finger pointing fleece.
- See you Friday, Tom ... - Anna said simply turning around with a smile.
Although well acted with Tom, I knew I would give a lot of laps that night, even against their will.
Restless Leg Syndrome More Condition_symptoms 35. Do you want to party?
The days of white dresses followed by incessant snow, but the cold kept if descent. The weekend was as quiet, even boring, they were the last days of the recoveries that almost everyone who was still studying and not be kept waiting in suspense the resultADOS end of the notes quarterly. Anna had studied both Latin and recovery feared that by repetition forget it all, Debbie was in the shadow of mathematics and technical drawing Ceel . Because of the variety of their subjects were hardly visible, Ray was even in school hours in the library, or up earlier than usual to study, because if that Anna was leaving things to the last minute, Ray's far exceeded.
pronouns I was babbling declines and everywhere, to still make their way through the aisles withstaring at the folio where had all the grammar board; only had an hour before the test and I played everything I decided to leave the yard, despite the frivolous or, not having to listen to their peers and their doubts that end up messing with it further. With any other subject, hours of study that had used would sobradísima, but not Latin.
He sat on a bench around the fountain, wearing the socks up above his knees, a thick black scarf and coat of uniform despite having not wearing gloves cansto by the fact that he did not like losing touch. Absently looked across the yard while he reviewed in his head when he saw James, who was coming toward her nervous. Anna smiled in greeting and he did the same. Like her, her cheeks very pink by fríoy hands in his pockets.
- What? - James greeted with encouragement, although they were not close friends was always very close, something he liked. Anna picked up the role in response and held it, the blonde frowned the cejas and took him to take a look - Hiugh - said, and returned with a face of disgust, she smiled more markedly.
- I have a desire to go now to my house ... - Anna lied half, just to give a little conversation No, but anyway, it seemed that James was not to remain silent. He twisted his mouth.
- I do both, and it sounds weird ... - said lookingintentionally, then sat at his side - Southend ... but I do nothing, but here is not to study much - Anna River - be there depresses me, really. - Was thoughtful, Anna knew that something was wrong and wanted to talk to someone, but still said nothing.
- I do not that much in Nottingham, you know? - Shrugged - but every once in a while does not hurt to get bored. - Finished dedicating a crooked smile. James mir & oacute, at the head resigned.
- Are you going to the party? - James asked, as if he had been thinking about since he arrived, the girl took him by surprise, apparently all the world knew of the party. Do you really going to be a failure?
- I have not invited anyone. - Responded quickly a bit perplexed, James scowled.
- right? But I thought you would be invited ... - James replied somewhat confused, she did not understand.
- Should I be invited? - Asked Anna, who conocíay count did not believe that none were to make any and less that famous party. James looked at her and raise my eyebrows a bit dark.
- Well, you're friends, right? - To seeAnna wore a speech even more confusing - Kathryn, I mean. - Added slowly, as if it were obvious. Anna changed the face upon hearing that name, how could I think that this bitch was going to invite? Ceñoy further pursed his expression was disbelief, making it somewhat embarrassed James.
- Friends? - Said a little louder than he wanted, he recalled that James had said with poor intellectualnción, shook his head - we're just in the same building, also long time no talk to her. - Looked thoughtful remembering the last time he saw it was true that she had already told him something of a Christmas party, but did not take it seriously.
- Ah well ... - he paused, I really was interested in the subject. - Anyway, invitations have been made almost all e-mail. - Anna snorted.
- Centuries ago not being here I go ... the truth is that I almost forgot - Anna confessed surprise.
- believe me It happens to everyone, and is actually better. Although we recognize cost. - Both nodded. - So what are you doing? - She rolled her eyes.
- Well I do not know, - said paddleCando every word, it was getting a little heavy. - If I heard it will be a failure of party because there will be nobody. - Anna was justified, he began to bother him.
- A failure? I do not know who you have said, but the festivities of the cheerleaders are guaranteed success. - The words of James seemed to further that thought, Anna turned her head to sigh and turned to lead him. Honestly just thinking about cheerleaders entered his horrible laziness.
- Well James, I do not know what I'll do: I have to see the mail, think about it, talking ... stuff. - And smiled - I tell you whatever you decide.
The boy felt a little stupid for the tone he had used Anna with him, understood that he was insisting too, turned away and looked at her with a look repentant. The girl if she did not know where the shots would have thought that what mattered to him was Anna, so I decided a little compassion andl.
- You obviously wrath, right? - Asked Anna leaving betray his thoughts.
- If you say no, my pride would be talking, not me. - James sincere responded with a wry smile, not knowing if she knew what his with Kathryn but not surprised, Anna was circumspect and did not have to explain anything. She closed her eyes for a moment.
- & amp; nbsp; Ceel honestly do not know if going to the party, unless you want to go no matter how many times I tell you that I go ... - Anna responded calmly to the question he had been trying to put to James since he arrived. - Anyway do not worry, you probably already is invited - " by Cappie " thought Anna, but he did not speak. He really was a little sorry James, Ceel could be quite cruel ... or so he thought. James nodded and mumbled a thank you.
Although he was out of place, Anna wanted to know who was going to the party and felt that this would be the only chance I would have to know, it was evident that nothing of this conversation was out from among them, so I had nothing to lose.
- Do you know who you are sure going to the party? - Anna managed to articulate, James frowned, she did not expect anyone is interested in the group but even so, he realized that was kind of treatment.
- Sure, sure ... go Matt - made memory - ... Tom usually go to these things, but now with Laura and do not know. Well Dougie and Danny also often occur. - Shrugged and looked - I do not know anyone else. - Anna sighed and stood up.
- Well that Jimmy, I'm . I have now and I want to review examination. - Ditching the issue said tapping his hand withpapers, getting ahead of James. - It is a pleasure doing business with you, Bourne. - Said as he shook hands. They laughed.
- Hope to see you in concert, say there is surprise. - Anna frowned as he left, he shrugged - Suerte! - She screamed and waved.
I love to spend all day in your building, where they will have í to spend so cold, although Carlisle was much colder than in Oxford always cost a little getting used to. The classes were almost over for her, but she had prepared the material for the next quarter, warning and it had gone to after the holidays, which thanked ; a lot. It seemed to take forever studying, in fact since I came, now it was strange not having much to do, had a job for Christmas but then decided to leave, there was no need to exaggerate. I just needed some resultthat would be by subjects. On the walls were shelves full of thick books and files sorted by years graders also had three drawers ... usually a department like any other. When Debbie saw a woman sitting with paperwork in one of the tables it looked back, did not know who it was, the teacher looked at the other side it was followed habitacióny look, and saw a calendar with Eric.
Szmanda - grimly said the woman, é ste turned to look. - Is a student of yours? - He looked in the doorway where Debbie was frowning. -
Hawkins! - Eric spat with wide surprise - go, go. I'll take care, Davis. - He said to his companion, and she returned to her hustle. Debbie approached cautiously and Eric turned his eyes to the calendar. - Come see your review, am I right? - & amp; nbsp;
Yes, I would like to see ... is not in accordance with my result, but I'd like to see where I have failed and that ... - recited finally, evidently had previously prepared speech. The fact that his teacher was no soda and austere white coat caught his attention: his pants were almost always, a dark gray, which was accompanied by a sleeveless jacket ma tone s clear and a white shirt sleeves rolled to the elbows, on the rack had a heavy coat where his pocket was hanging a pair of leather gloves. "CHTHow elegant MLXC "Debbie thought deliberately. -
course, give me a minute. - Added Eric. While examining his teacher wanted the folders, biting her nails Debbie concerned, had come a little more, for some reason the teacher at the other table made him ma s uncomfortable than usual and felt his attention riveted on them. "Hawkins ..." Eric muttered as he searched in alphabetical order and smiled &; Oacute;. - Here is - passing it around the table said.Debbie came to the table at all getting completely at his side, so that he could smell her perfume, she realized that her teacher was quite flirtatious. His scent filled her every way, was the power of perfume for men. Decided to take the examination table to examine it closely and concentrate, Eric was a few tenths higher than her what made her feel embarrassed, he assumed that he noticed and pulled away for do something else while sighing. For thirty long minutes he was asking questions of the exerciseservices, and redoing some, at some point the teacher was gone but his things were still there, no one noticed it.
Well thank you very much ... I hope to remember for next time. - Debbie saidreferring to small errors. -
Yes please, I know that you are able to get much more, but it seems that the nerves will do hard timeEric said .- always going to save the test. - Still, I am very proud of your progress. -and turned to her, while a few meters with arms folded. - I think you get into the subject, and even now your grades are not the best, I'm sure that at the end of the course will be the best in the class. - smiled widely pep talks. -
Yes, I hope. - Debbie replied with determination. There was a smallsilent acceptance that he broke.-
Well tell me, what are you doing this Christmas? "Family? - Asked enthusiast, had turned suddenly into the holiday spirit.-
Aha ... I will return to Carlisle to be with my parents. - Debbie replied feeling a little embarrassed at how boring and sounded pessimistic, & amp; eacute; he laughed a little.-
That's fine, takes to be with them and that they hardly see much until the summer. - Said softly.-
And you? - Debbie asked curiously, speaking of "you" found it strange, but did not want to seem rude.-
I re & amp; eacute; the United States, to Milwaukee ... - could not help but get a glimpse of his amazement, he had noticed his accent and manner, but did not know for sure. "Yeah, well, I'm American. - Chuckled and shrugged - Every time I have less time to visit my family and if I do, I hate it. - They both laughed.-
It must be sad to have your family so far ... right? - Debbie asked sorry to put on your skin.- & amp; nbsp;
Yeah ... - there was silence - yes it is. - Said simply. Ely to feel uncomfortable to think that this woman again any time made you want to go.- Szmanda
Well sir, thanks for your time ... - he said as he approached the door, he followed.-
you go to the recitedl? - Asked to be both concise form in the doorway.-
I'm not sure my train ticket I have to get aúny not know when .... - Said slowly looking all around. He had a crooked smile.-
then Merry Christmas, Debbie Hawkins - Eric said with a tone closer and a little dangerous, Debbie felt the blush cheeks when he heard his name completorand prayed that the little light threshold as hidden. -
Merry Christmas, Mr. Szmanda. - Said it would not be allowed to articulate his full name because that would make you think all the holidays,and it was something that had been banned. So I left the department at a deliberate pace. -
and care for these forgetfulness classhelp you. - Said a little m & aacute; s high as she had already gone and only turned to smile. -
And who you think is the fault ... - "she whispered to herself striding, would not looking back. The hall was almost finished and he had succeeded, but he remembered exactly how he heard the door close.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Sorority Initiation # 213 Circe, Merlin and Morgan made a trio
Whereas gave Chibi-so lazy to change the layout (which misses awful) and have stars drugged, I give you some common sense that poor LJ, or I can give you a paranoia.
I have not really much to say more than occupy space, I like to disturb, so as to fill an entry with crap, I go.
... I think
APROVEchar host, so rub through:
Lupus More Condition_symptoms I want a baby! Chapter 3
If something like this Naruto chapter is that no intervention was important. He is obsessed with his procmourning that to look at many things, or be of interest to me ... So write about Sasuke, Sasuke and Sasuke. I'm so happy.
Last night was a comment that I thought was very wise, of course, it is clear that who comes has to do. Because yes, SasuNaru is not a partner about who would write regularly, or being out of my mind ... but do not plan to ignore all this D:
Anyway, I was the inspiration. Saluditos of caramelation
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Small Propellor Hire Boats Chapter 3 VCR
Chapter 3 is a process in Gaara, do not know if I took it right or wrong but I liked where you no longer want to hear from Sasuke because is too much like him, and he does not seem ... Not much I can say, because for the most eloquent explanations I have to wait to finish the fic (the next chapter, or one more than that, I penSarlo under certain modifications that I have to ask) and since then I can put me here to speak at length about everything. Or something.
Anyway ... say, without going deeply into any subject, that when a person is reflected in another, especially after spending all his life considered "the one and only", it overwhelms a sense of confusion. Why are you like me if I'm the only me? At least that's how you think Gaara. You can see in the anime, is I think, a little clearer. When he sees Sasuke and begins to get frustrated because you have the same look is a kind of catharsis that drives him to want to delete it. Obviously I took him to the plane erotic, but in theory this serves to illustrate my example.
to post this, there is a very bright and interesting commentary, from whom I now consider my new regular reader: Narukun (and I love his story, but are SasuNaru. Read it) where he makes a very interesting and sensible guess as summarized in :
is that, I think, although their relationship revolves around sex, the fic is not about sex, so I do not think you write. I do not know if I understand. I mean, even now the two of them are only interested in sex, whatever you want to express is their relationship through two of them arexo, the sexual act itself is secondary.
I swear that I eat it. Love that is so insightful.
But not handed me over. Thanks for reading and greetings
Note: I made a modificacióny can now, even if they are registered users, leave a comment with impressions and so easiest thing because we have AY lead us into some things and here are widespread.