viellioit showed me an entry in a LJ where someone sufficiently disrupted talking about things they had no idea. Actually, it was extremely funny.
I'm not going to say that FrAw is a cradle of goodwill and inspiration for all those bad fics (not bad authors , which iscourse) that populate the fandom. That would be a lie and a disgusting hypocrisy by this humble author / manager / mother / writer / student / [fill in] and the truth: How lazy!
So I will say loud and clear. It is totally bland FrAw criticize for criticizing the way it does. We (Fush and I, as administrators we are) we are fully aware that:
1. We are not a place for constructive criticism
2. We will not applaud the "goodwill"
3. Let's face completely blocked people who believe they are better than us when they engage in the same, but more hip ó described and pathetic.
4. We'll be forever branded as "the bitch of fandom", "forum" spam "or any other mamarrachez that occur to the skilled and resourceful critics of the forum.
5. Seem to have no clear criteria when they do, we have them.
6. Contrary to popular belief, do something for the sake of someone else, we are guided by the spirit to do what we want.
and a long "and so on." I will refrain from comment because my post would become barren and monotonous. But in short: Yes, we know that we want to see as villains para believe you are good and wonderful people involved with a lot of people who do not know, establishing good everywhere. In short, the settlers of these lands barbarian with whom we should all be grateful (:
So critical FrAw FRICS not mince words. We say evil and invite the authors to find the solution your problems. That's what
fic_tips , that tambIEN is míoy son gives advice and assistance to anyone who wishes to take. The only thing I would like to reconsider is that we never criticize people, but fics. I mean, we continue to pull shit with that aspect but I wanted them to know.
Despite this small omission that I noted earlier, in which we are accused to criticize people who do not know, I want to wholeheartedly thank the people who believe that by targeting as the heartless, we stop. In truth, the way we throw shit inspires us to continue doing the best we can and sabemos:)
Thank you for the flowers. We are proud to be us.
What a sad story and how true Absurd ! I do not mean this sense that the reader will come the crocodile tears, or the general relationship uncontrolled tears of sadness leaving her eyes. No, nothing else away. It's part of real sadness, stoic and immutable that leaves you thinking about many things.
Only a few know all that is hidden behind the words I wrote. Most stay in it is a story almost unnoticed, perhaps a little depressing or tasteless ... But the viewtruth is that I just find it sad. I experienced an amazing cathartic to write, nor was therapeutic, nor I was intensely excited, as usual I write. I just felt a little surprised at my reaction and total fearlessness, of course, a quiet sadness in my heart.
is not a story to mourn and to reflect. It's my way of saying that, invariably, have an escape route. Some of us focus on writing what hurt us, others sing the saddest songs in our repertoire, some just have sex without commitment not only to feel totally helpless anDuring your life ... And not that it is good or bad, because I'm not one to judge, but it is only the need to escape our reality for a while.
I could translate that unabashed sadness in the fic. Fixed and fixed on a fixed, inalienable to us regardless of our desire to alienate him ... That's right. Plain and simple.
So sad is the word for this fic. No heartbreaking, and tragic, and frustrating, or painful. Sad.
Hello again, dear readers. Today I share with you something very nice. Normally I'm not the kind of people who get lots of presents, or rather, that the boasts. Meeting that is personal and beautiful you have to acknowledge in private and direct to the person.
Needless to say, we already did. There could be so evil and not express my love to someone so beautiful who devotes his time to make me smile, but it's so beautiful that I had to comment here. My father ( rodoxoxo ) has made me a picture of Gaara.
On the other hand, yesterday I received a beautiful fic from a very special friend, loved and one of my most faithful companions on this journey of love and heartache. My counselor and consciousness, the woman I put my feet on the ground each time I feel overwhelmed by men the world Eruka .
The story gave me it is ... well, I think that explains itself. If inserted myself in the protagonist (with the exception that I am not gay) insurance may be intimate in my current relationship status. Here is the link: I wanted to be ...