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Danny Jones | James | Anna Scott |
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Kathryn | Ceel O'Donnell | Cappie |
an inward, others had umbrellas and were quietly and others, like Harry and Dougie were going through the roof. The last half hour had been raining with intensity and seemed that it would not stop until late at night, the sky was dark gray, was that kind of rain that is so cold. Although LLEseen people preserving top blue jackets had put another one up, Harry had a scarf touched his mouth, but his friend had nothing. They knew they were the kind of guys that made a group of aunts should give full circle to see them, but that does not act differently, perhaps it had become commonplace.
Recess had begun for a couple of minutes and people crowded in the cafeteria, not only because llovíaa seas, but because any other building picked up too far. As always, they talked of things less trivial.
- & nbsp; I should have brought the hat ... - Dougie said rubbing his blond hair.
- Today there is not much humidity ... - Harry justified - well you're very handsome and well - and anti ; adio surrounding him with one hand on the shoulder, and with his other hand squeezed her cheeks causing her mouth ended in an ugly grimace.
- Délkjhakejme - "let me" Dougie tried to say, laughing, breaking out of it. Harry sighed.
- examinations This is not normal ... - complained, Dougie made a face - you know who no longer going to stop until Christmas, right?
- Hush, do not remind me, luckily, Laura helps me physically, if it was not ass.
- CHT MLXC Well I do not help anybody at all, rather I who help ... - Harry said doubtfully - how sad.
- What do you know Danny? - Asked Dougie - you have not seen him ... in fact, from the party - furrowed ceñoy put his hands in his pockets.
- No idea, I tampoco I've seen a lot ... will be very busy. - Responded with seriousness, Dougie did not know what would roll, but he knew that Harry had been avoiding, and what he said was hostile. Perhaps it would be best not to ask.
finally able to enter the cafe was crowded. They looked around for a table, or someone you know to encalomarse. Right next to the windows saw Tom sitting with Laura. It looked pretty worn sitting, so they went to accompany them.
- & nbsp; you help me right now? - Dougie interrupted the conversation of the other two, sitting in front of her. Harry sat with his friend, smiling.
- Again? I also I have to study, my boy. - Laura replied angrily, Tom, who sat beside her, gave her a sip of orange juice.
- I think what you should & iacute; to do is pay attention in class. - Added Tom.
- Nice. - Dougie said smiling, he handed it back.
- Are you going to go to on Sunday? - Harry asked changing the subject.
- Yes, I think basketball is not enough. - Tom said topoyando face in one hand.
Dougie started looking around, as the subject of very little football was concerned, seeing so in some tables away was Matt with some of his friends .... Oh, and cheerleaders. Assumed that they would be here within and that training was canceled by heavy rain. In a comment that Tom hacíaa Laura, Harry followed his friend's eyes watching the group. Surely not been noticed by the great commotion there was in all the cafeteria. Nudged to Dougie for him to stop looking, was not a good idea that Laura would realize they were ah & iacute;.
- "will touch this year's Christmas concert, Tom? - Dougie asked to introduce a subject that interests them all.
- I do not think ... it's better to let him step to the new generations ... - Tom excused himself with an eyebrow raised. - Also, lately I do not play much piano ... in fact, since the summer.
- &; Nbsp; Well that can not be, Mr. Fletcher. - Harry scolded. - Lose your nickname if you keep Richard Clayderman. - Everyone laughed, remembering the old nickname.
A flash of light ran the cafeteria for a few minutes later, sounding an awful thunder, the lights failed a few times, causing the cafeteria would stay silent for a few seconds. Dougie looked out through the windows to see if it was raining, it was obvious yes. Dwarfed eyes to see two silhouettes in the courtyard.
- & nto that, now owed another explanation. The cafeteria is located a few meters from the building, but would inevitably have to get wet, grabbed maletíny well prepared to run, not because he heard someone's attention. He turned on his heels and watched as Danny was waiting beside the door, but did nothing to stay static: -
not follow angry, right? - Jones asked in a serious tone. -
was not really angry ... it just pisses me off that Kathryn has to be everywhere. - Is trying to accelerate the pace justified because it was starting to rain harder: the yard was completely muddy, socks were soaking it and water was seeping through his shoes. - & amp; nbsp;
What does it matter who is at all? Rather ... - will be stopped despite pouring rain. - Who cares that we saw? - Time a blinding flash I was startled followed by a loud thunder. Anna thought it was a good demonstration of the wrath of Danny, despite being a few steps further.
-I think I made clear in the gym. - Ditch Anna, was not that ofI wanted to talk to Danny. Had to be as timely to be discussing in the middle of the rain. He drove to the fast pace cafeteríaa pretending that bothered him wet. Heard the splash of the feet of Danny behind her moving ahead. He looked forward, not hitting anything, when suddenly blew out a puff of air to see the large windows of the cafeteríay nothing Masy none other than Tom and Laura ... She looked away abruptly to see to believe Harry looking at them, could not be happening. Danny's hand reached her elbow and pulled herago, making it hit his chest even though he turned around. He was very angry, not knowing what was going to feel so bad the hide, it was as if ashamed to be with him ... or who knows what. No, actually if you knew why he did not want anyone to know, what hurt was that I say it loud and clear.
-Anna, I'm tired of cheap excuses ... give me - put his face to her ear - " , or is that these two bands playing? -she growled totally outraged, at least expected to react well and tell her the truth.
Now is NOT the time ... - Anna cried, breaking out of his hand and turned to face him - why why everyone thinks I'm a whore? - Asked in a way that Danny left speechless, looking into his eyes in disappointment. Surely she'd be crying, but the drops of rain did not differ from the tears. ran to the cafeteria, enteringsharply and regardless of what might be found inside, Danny had got to where it hurt most. He tried to dry a little face in vain, looked around for at least Debbie, with whom he had been for the hour of rest, but unfortunately first found Kathryn look petulant. As they looked, she smiled the same way he did in the rooms, panic ran through her and went looking for someone.
Tom could not believe his eyes, looked like they were arguing, and could not look away from them: Dannyhad grabbed the possessive form and spoke dangerously close. Nobody had muttered a single word from that Dougie had spotted the two, not atrevíaa look at any of his friends. Tom rubbed his forehead with a serious expression, he had to think fast to something when Anna entered Danny ... if you let her. It was clear that Anna had tried marearles partridge, something had happened for sure, but certainly now was not the time to blame, it would have serious problems that Laura would be angry about not telling the truth, if not mistaken the cheerleaders were working nearby and finally, estaba Harry, waiting like everyone else. The truth is he had not spoken to him about the matter, but would probably move away from problems. Anna being turned back to the windows, something bad happened because Danny's expression turned to sadness. She ran inside and he went somewhere slowly, it was time to do something. got up without making any noise and went to Anna, I was totally disoriented so I grabbed her by the shoulders and led her out again.
When they were outside the scope of vision of the cafe let go. Sighed with relief and spoke softly.
I owe your life. - Tom started looking at her gravely.
Tom, I do not know what I do, I've screwed up and I've seen all over the world ... and Danny is angry with me because I lie to everyone, I'm a bad person. - Anna released without ordering the sentences, I looked into his eyes nervously. -
that now is the least you should think about what you do with your situation. You can not deny you've been with Danny, or you, or whatever. - Sighed again - not to mention they are saying out there that you sleep with your bedroom. - CHTM
LXC "And you have believed it? - Asked Anna demanding. Wet clothing is beginning to hit the body and the cold seeped into her bones.-
I no longer know what to think ... I've even told him about Danny ... - said Tom, so insecure. Her friend gasped, could be expected worldwide, but not Tom.-
Do you really think I sleep with both? - Anna shouted his voice breaking with tears. - For starters Danny Ray is gay and not even let him put me hand. - I did not know what he was saying, just wanted it finished. Anna rubbed her eyes but the tears would not stop. Tom tried to speak a few times but it was impossible, he was an idiot.-
Sorry, Anna. - Embracing greatly distressed Fletcher said. I did not knowiese so desperate for this, and he had not been attentive enough to help. - I told you you were my best friend and I behaved like a complete ignoramus, but if I tell me things I can not do much. - Anna nodded against his chest. - I do not think Danny is only for what you are so ... - pressed against him. - Well let your habitacióny you change, then we'll talk. Do you agree?-
full wet I will ... - Ann laughedto leave him. Tom laughed, shrugging.-
Let's go. - Tom encouraged pushing the buildings.At least I had it again with the help of his best friend.