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Anna Scott | Danny Jones | Tom Fletcher | C
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Debbie Hawkins | Eric Szmanda | Ceel O'Donnell |
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Cappie |
cold in the courtyard was overwhelming, making even use whatever pegase Laura Tom.
- I think something has happened between Danny and Anna ... - said Tom beating his girlfriend near his, Tom's gloved hand intertwined with the bare handLaura. She frowned.
- Yes? ... they do not know ... some days I do not speak in terms with it ... - Laura said air resentful, Tom smiled, looking straight ahead.
- Do I blame? - Laura giggled. - I can not get anything to Danny, and that worries me even more ... From time to time when he was caught looking thinking God knows what on the other hand between Anna and Harry ... sparks fly - his girlfriend bit lip, Tom was really worried, of course,are your friends. Since the Halloween party had not been very attentive to events, but of course had to talk to Anna, one could be led to commit a big mistake. Resumed the ride.
- You're right, we must look a little ... Anna was streaking for a while with Harry and told him that there was no chance ... - Tom looked at him accusingly, she shrugged shoulders - what you want to know what Harry thought that it must be a mistake. But I think I'm confused ...
- not want to imagine the worst, not you ... - there was silence between the two until Laura was struck - what's wrong?
- I have cold - complained to a sad face, chuckled Tom taking his two hands in hers, they are closer to the mouth and provided them with his warm breath Laura melted inside her boyfriend while he rubbed his hands gently. You really deserved to be so good to her?
- Better? - Asked Tom to see his face, even with his hands near his mouth. Laura grabbed her hands, gently pulling him down to be at its height, brushing his lips against Tom.
- Do not go there because we can find a problem ... - Tom whispered, inches from her. They knew it was forbidden at school go around showing how much they wanted, but it was so hard to resist ... they laughed - I'll lose my reputation for good grades.
While still running, Willis left the stands and, for bad luckof the three agreed on the road. The scarf covered her up to just below the nose, which hid the grimace of disgust that he had drawn unconsciously rubbed his thick black hair and looked straight ahead. Did not intend to stop.did not know if it had wanted to or not, but Tom squeezed Laura's hand and went with Matt, and all three smiled in greeting, nothing more than politeness. There could be worse than this for all, Laura had a big lump in his throat, hopefully never again see Matt but at least Tom's hand and not comforted hac & iacuyou, to be split into a thousand pieces.
As he left the field of view of both his expression changed completely to that of someone who has taken something important, Laura could not help but turn his head to look him in realizing the dying expression No, I went a little more with an eye to find a part of the road to Harmony, which seemed to be waiting. When his eyes met hers again turned his head quickly, fixing his eyes on the ground and sticking to Tom, since when Harmony was there? Had they gone with her? "Tom had seen? He looked up at him, he was totally serious but not angry look, with any luck it would ignore ...
- paasaaa What? - Debbie said as a greeting when he was just in front of her friend, Anna looked up from the book, but still have the cheek on one hand. He blinked a few times and finally smiled.
- Not much, test ... - responded by pointing to the thick book. Debbie looked around, there were several companions with Anna but each one seemed to be on his own. He sat opposite her and began to take the package to the KitKat, Anna stretched a bit when Debbie suddenly interrupted; The action.
- Ostia, what you do not know why? - Let leaning forward and extending a hand to emphasize the seriousness of the matter, Anna in the same position that was stretched, looked confused and walked over.
- do.
- Ceel is fooling around with one of its kind, a certain Cappie - Anna opened her eyes a little more.
- What? No way ... but if it is & aacutand, with James, right? - Anna tried to justify that the voice began to lower case.
- YA, is that I do not understand - Debbie replied indignantly while making gestures with his free hand. - But already I have seen several times eh ... and more and more stuck. You wait and see if they have not already done something ... - ended up nodding. Anna could not believe.
- Well actually it does make sense, because after what happened on Halloween ... I do not even know forexactly what happened, and I do not like letting go. - Anna said confused and fell back again.
- Life ... - Debbie said while finally beginning to eat the snack, Anna crossed her arms and looked thoughtful. - Hey, did you talk to Danny? - Asked Anna abruptly pulling their thoughts without meaning to, gave him a look of seriousness. Debbie stopped chewing. - You hit. - Anna let out a laugh.
- No no, not hit him ... but s í I've spoken to him, and explained the misunderstanding. - Anna said she was not sure if I should tell him.
- Well? - Asked quizzically.
- Nothing good. - Shrugged, hoping to be lying on conditions. Debbie dwarfed eyes. Anna chuckled. - We Liam.
- "WHAT!? - Debbie cried his eyes wide open.
- Sssshhhh - Anna ordered shut his mouth quickly. - Was a couple of days in the gym. Actually I do not know how it happened, it was all so fast ...
- Illaaaaa ... - Debbie got whisper, looking a nervous eye. - But, but what's it?
- What more do you want? - Anna said, laughing. Debbie stroked his hair a little, thinking.
- I mean, what are you going to continue normal life now? - Anna frowned - because these things do not go unnoticed, no.
- Ya ... I have not thought much about it, I had thought that would happen only once and that's it. - said biting his lip, he knew what he was saying made no sense.
- JAH, you freak out if you think it's only going to be a time ... Do you know someone? - Asked Debbiecurious.
- No, so you have to shut up for your life. It can be a very big liar if they know. - Anna warned her, she nodded.
- ... Damn ... how strong - stood in silent reflection, Anna sighed and began again to move the pages of his book - and I go, I leave school. Call me with anything, right? - Anna smiled nodded and left.
The group took a break from studying, discussing trivial issues, fun, a teacher was absent and enjoyed some free time, so that Maggie wanted to go to his room to collect some photocopies had left. Anna offered to acompañarlto, could do with a little leg stretch, left the cafeteria to the playground, the building of his companion was a little farther than hers so simply follow .
Maggie insisted that it fell with it, since there was no hurry. The room was very similar to the one she shared with Ray, but instead had two bunk beds, Anna to see the decoration of the room could not help asking.
- Do you share a room with a girl? - Asked by touching a poster of a futholist fashion. Maggie turned to watch her with a frown.
- course, do not you? - Answered with total calm. Anna looked thoughtful, so I knew Laura and Debbie also shared a room with girls, could not be mere coincidence.
- I share it with a guy ... - your classmates looked confused and laughed.
Without another word, began again on way back to the cafeteria, certainly was a strange girl Maggieto, any wonder whyhad shared a room with a boy when he apparently was out of rule, yet it did not matter much.
While they were conversing about the winter clothes they used in their hometowns someone grabbed Anna from behind by both sides of the waist, giving it a little squeeze, the heart was shot praying that Danny was notnot here. He turned quickly and saw Laura laugh at his reaction, Maggie was a little ahead.
- IfGUE you, now I reach you - Anna said casually, she nodded and went on the road. - Blessed are your eyes, no one can catch you, sweetheart. - Greeted with a smile, Laura returned it.
- exams ... I take too much time - Laura apologized.
- already clear, exams ... - both laughed - Tom and told me that'd be some around.
- Yes, it also helps me with the worst subjects ... - followed angiving direction to school. - You know you are very worried about you? - Anna looked totally confused.
- Why? - Asked Anna innocent, too nice was that no one had noticed.
- says something has happened between you and Danny, you know, Halloween ... - Anna began to get nervous, Tom was more circumspect than I thought, no, in fact they knew, but had the stupid hope that it did not notice it.
- No s & eacute; Laura ... - Anna interrupted before it is forced to respond - so I'd like to talk to Tom, not for you, if he can not understand things that are not. - Lied Anna, Laura sighed.
- Danny and Harry are my friends - Anna was impressed, do you also know about Harry? My God, if he had tied. - But I understand what you mean, so Debbie has told me these days has been bad, right?
- Yes .... No hand able to focus much on tests, but nothing happens. - Damn, everyone is connected?
- Well, I do not want to pressure you, I know that if something happens you told me, right? - Laura said, smiling. Anna agradecíaa the skies were so blinded by Tom and did not insist much on the subject.
- course. - said Anna, as had the record straight, but not right now.
- And do me the favor of talking to Tom as soon as possible to est & aacute; quite heavy ... - concluded Laura while she was saying goodbye, getting into your building.
was obvious that getting rid of Tom was not going to be easy, and found that while the storm was going to with questions, and Harry ... why he had said that about Harry? Could not be that now proves that he was interested. No, it was impossible ... which reminded him that even had the cowboy hat and had to return it. Of course if there was any way to make things worse, I did not know them.
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