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Tom Fletcher | Laura Connors | Anna Scott |
TMLXC | | |
Harry Judd | Danny Jones | James |
delegates meetings were only once a month, and the truth is it was the only time I saw Tom, Anna was very clear that it would set aside a their problems and get time pass as many exams as possible. So the days passed with astonishing normalcy, though it was hours in the day to do everything he wanted, the dark circles were beginning to make appearance attheir eyes and had to draw strength from where there were none: just had to wait until December to end of it.
Each passing day was cooler, but fortunately Anna was moderately used to the cold, Nottingham had nothing to envy in Oxford. It was an evening like any other in the library, there were many people and is grateful, Debbie and Anna took a break and they began to have headaches and legs sticking. They took their coats and put them as they left.
- Diioossss - Anna complained as he stretched his arms skyward.
- What backache ... - Debbie protested, putting each hand on one side, her friend sighed.
- I can not go eh ... Every time I have more dizzy when getting up - he said as he rubbed his hair.
- & amp; nbsp; It is less, we are almost at the end of November. - Debbie tried to comfort, even though in reality it was quiet. - No wonder they say there that one of the worst years is first while you get used ... and no ...
Anna put his hands in his pockets and looked at the sky, totally overcast again briskly annoying white color. Looked down at the floor and started playing with his foot on a small stone, his mind had flown a few weeks ago, the last conversation we had tengone with Danny ... How was it possible that every time you speak have to end badly. Knew that their relationship would end soon, but I was hoping that at least they remained friends, yeah, sure he thought so. He drew a smile and Debbie was just ahead of you, Anna to see the feet of her friend looked confused.
- What's wrong? Apart from the obvious. - Called Debbie, Anna smiled wearily.
- &; Nbsp; was thinking the other day ... - her friend frowned, not stop until he knew - the day it rained so much in the cafeteria. - Said Anna.
- Aaahh ... - Deb said - so if something happened, eh? Is that you do not say anything, because as I saw you arguing with Danny and then I got a friend that yours ... I do not know.
- If nothing happens, it is more, I prefer that you asked me ... what Danny is going to stop now. - He finally said, confessing as much to Debbie herself. - Although it is not really why I'm so thoughtful.
Her friend was silent momentarily, not knowing if there had been something like Danny, but he knew it was time to ask what had happened.
- then? - PregDebbie rubbed.
- Remember Harry? Surely I have spoken to him once ... - Deb nodded and had not been necessary to speak of him he was the guy who both looked and laying clueless conversation. - I think I have zero chance with him, well actually I've never had, but I'm a fool to play things as they are not ... and now can not stand the idea of accepting it. - Anna concluded that rather than tell Debbie was thinkingaloud and perhaps get clarified once.
- As it happens, anyway I do not see much ... he loses, you are s "to" good Anna. - Debbie encouraged, making his friend laugh with enthusiasm.
- What are you? Is not there anyone out there? Because I had time to meet many people. - Asked Anna, cambiandor topic. Debbie remained static, not knowing what to say.
- nothing I prefer to be on what I have to be, that if not then you're like me. - Chided Debbie, Anna hit him in the shoulder gently. Both laughed.
- Well, well, I will I know when I have to find out. - Threatened again entering the library.
course I had to focus from the d & iacuI, for Halloween had not spoken to Eric out of class time and class was reluctant with her, but the truth is that not long insisted that he speak. The sooner will this nonsense the better.
it was that when everyone was at the top of the stress he seemed more relaxed than ever, reaching the other building through the large windows could be appreciate a nice overcast sky, at least the rain had ceased. They spoke of the coming weeks, the tests they had done and Dougie's birthday, which would be held soon, and as the king of Rome through the door looks, they found the above along with Danny stairs. Fortunately, Doug was with Danny because the situation of being in megave Danny and Harry would be very uncomfortable, since the day of football was just as if one did not exist for the other ... at least expected to be temporary. The truth is that long ago that did not meet the four solos, as if the first year they entered ... but, really, things had changed a lot since then.
After the morning came maze of corridors to the cafeteria, as usual, was crowded with people and even more being exam time, everyone filled the tables to study while eating something. Decided to seeka place to sit first and then go for lunch, then, the crowd singled out Anna in the same position it was always studying, an arm on the table with his face resting on the palm hand, making her hair tapase Left viewing angle, the other hand holding a pencil moving quickly on a paper and a side of the book, had a box of peach juice started. So by inference, the girls on his right had to be her classmates.Everyone had seen the perfect opening to his side and although they all knew perfectlynte what was happening, they wanted to do business as usual. So Tom went first to greet Anna, the smell would not sit very well bring to the squad as a whole.
- Hey - Tom waved high enough to capture their atencióny watched as her friends looked askance at them, she lifted Head left hand suspension, blinked several times, looked at Tom, despuésa Danny, Harry and Tom despuésa again. A look worth more than all the words andis thick book, and finally she smiled in greeting.
- Hello - said three other almost in unison, at least they are not each separately escucharíaa creating confusion and misunderstanding .... More than you had. Next to Anna was only room for one and a hole in front of you enough for three would fit tight. The site
it through Dougie sat across the table and sat across the other three, opposite Tom, it was time to break some ice and a little luck you Dougieayudaríaa the cause.
- How are you doing? - Asked Tom to start.
- Oh ... mmm ... well ... - said Anna, shrugging his shoulders with a gesture of indifference. Since then ignoring Anna was so effective when he wanted, almost was as if there were not yet caused the mirasen more. - Maggie ... you know where is it the contraposto? & Amp; ndash; asked his companion across the table, leaning to the opposite side to Dougie.
- I hear you're practicing on the piano ... you going to participate in the recital? - Asked Danny, follow the same tactic that Anna was nothing clever.
- the end itself, apparently have nothing better, and me I could use a little trial ...
& nbsp;
- is the same, I'll look for the notes ... - Anna ended, returning to join in its normal place, the truth is That position forced her to withdraw from their partners, and meddling in the group of guys ... the opposite of what I wanted. Then he realized that Dougie was with his arms folded on the table and head close to his notes, reading carefully.
- & nbsp; And you know what that mean? - Dougie asked very concerned, turning the pages slowly, Anna could not help laughing at the guy. Although I knew almost nothing something told him that he felt closer to her ... it was strange, as if he knew the same way that Tom conocíaa.
- Yes, oddly enough ... is one of the few things I do well ... - answered ass looking at the images that were appearing as was turning the page, Anna noticed some staring at them. Suddenly Dougie's stomach growled, causing him to lift his head in alarm, as if it were a bomb.
- I'll get food before I die. - Said getting up - let's get something to eat ... walk - and got up to go with Harry and Danny and Tom were very engaged in a conversation about the performances of previous years. What that would make Harry or cease to havecer should not care ... but it was not, not realizing he kept his eyes as he got up and went to Dougie sighed and drank his juice.
looked up to see the cafeteria, sat up a little on one leg to see someone who believed known to the door leading into the school. Ray spotted dwarfed eyes, looking for someone, and when he saw her arm up indicating it to be. Anna smiled and started collecting things, any excuse was good to get out.
- & nbsp; call me. - Justify it before the questioning look of Danny and Tom. Maletíny took the left at a brisk pace towards his friend.
- Whither? - Suddenly asked Dougie, who was in line with Harry.
- do not know ... - Harry replied casually, followedwith the look and were reunited with the familiar brown and tall guy, roommate. They said nothing more, but continued to observe, the brunette nodded and rubbed his arm with the hand ... and kissed her. The thick tuft of hair of the boy hid the explicit part of the kiss, but it had to be very smart to see it, it was brief but it was not long, Anna is away laughing. He took her hand gently and left the cafeteria. Dougie
opened his mouth to speak but closed it again did not have to dec ...get nothing, looked at Harry who had a raised eyebrow, and when the doors closed behind them, he turned his gaze back to the tail. Harry was more inscrutable than his math teacher correcting an exam, but if it was true what Tom hinted, he knew his friend would not sit and do nothing.
was early Saturday when he received the call from his mother sound asleep fumbled for the phone with his shrill melody. He found time to pick, stayed on his back with his forearm across his eyes for clarity not smart.
- Guys? - Asked her mother were unsure if the other side of the phone.
- & nbsp; Mmm? - "Said" Anna.
- Luckily for me call me that unless ... - rebuked his mother even though her daughter did not answer , assumed much expenditure of energy - When will you come?
- What? - Articulated Anna, frowning. CHT
MLXC -A house - he said.
-Aaah ... well I do not know ... I'm testing. - Said with regret, did not know how many times I had to say.
-Well, come the last week of this month! - His mother suggested enthusiastically. Anna snorted, giving the staff took weeks for que was back to Nottingham. - Look, today I send money by post and you're done.
-Vale mom ... bye. - Was sacked and his mother did the same. The phone slipped from his hand and turned toward the wall to continue sleeping, probably end up regretting having accepted, but the only way.