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Harry Judd | Dougie Poynter | Tom Fletcher |
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Laura Connors | Harmony Katz | Matt Willis |
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Kathryn Anna Scott | Danny Jones |
since he had spoken with Anna had been trying to give a solution to help her, but Laura's anger did not help the cause. Her friend had told him everything that had happened to Danny, and even if not directly tellHarry suspected mind haunted by the mind, the relationship he had with Jones did not seem bad as the two were in agreement with it, but did not understand why Danny pressured. Anna definitely should do something about the situation, but this time he ayudaríaa that things gets out of hand, although things had not mentioned he understood perfectly why not everyone should learn: it was not blind and Harry was upset with Danny. Today would have to take things a bit clear, if not killed before.
Laura was sitting in Tom's bed while watching her boyfriendAfter rummaging through the drawers, she told him that I was angry for having left her lying in the cafeteria, although in reality it was only a pretext, one could say that I had suddenly started to be jealous of Anna. He had always been very aware of it, since he knew had spent much time together and shared many things, perhaps what bothered him most is that Tom knew things Anna she did not, as was also his friend. There was no point was suddenly jealous of those two, but gave too many times around the head and more after having seen the hug that took place outsidethe cafeteria.
- What's wrong? - Tom said seriously, with a shirt in his hand.
- Today was also going to see Anna? - Laura answered with another question, it was clear that there would be anger. He had spent two days at seeing her, although she did not stop seeing her either. Tom sighed.
- ; Not today, quiet. Today we played a game, remember? - Said with a friendly tone but I was not the work of holding anything. Laura nodded.
- And in the end what you do? - Asked as she looked into his eyes, he had to tell part of the story and to top these days had been with Harry, which was not very confident that the information was safe.
- I'm still not sure ... - Tom said as he removed his shirt to get the new, Laura glanced the pale torso interrupted by the black star of his chest, Tom intercepted the look and smiled ; as it used to - but we must do something soon. Have you had something to Harry? - Asked Tom approached her, leaned forward placing one hand on each side of the bed to kiss her on the tip of the nose.
could No matter how angry, he wanted anyway, stared at his eyes the color of chocolate. T kissed yethard, but actually it was she who stole the kiss, both were ecstatic but they were united by the kiss. Laura broke up a little and said,
- Anna I just told him was wrong, because I asked you ... - she murmured shyly, he smiled and touched his cheek.
- Best. - Found sitting up, finished dressing and went & oacute; at the door. - Are you sure you do not want to come? - Tom asked for the last time.
- Oh yes, go because you're late ... - answered smiling.
left the habitacióny Laura was hesitant, he wanted to talk to Anna, is not bothering him much but I wanted to remove doubts.God knew what Tom was going to meet this afternoon at the soccer field.
Although already had clear ideas, it seemed, was dressednd to go to return the hat to Harry; of truth that had to be the most stupid of the building. Do not know how I would look at him and less what was going to say, but had thought about a brief encounter, not beyond the polite and end, did not know whether it would be in his room, he had many friends and surely many plans for your days off which made it even more remote possibility that he might be in your room ... and if was with a girl? It would not be surprising considering their sex appeal.
was totally convinced quand Harry would not be in the habitacióny least one Sunday morning, convinced it took the black sweatshirt, hat in a bag and began the road to the building 1-E. Surely it was too cheeky to ask Tom and Harry's building, but the only way I could find, luckily no one was found crucial for the way and arrived safely to the building. The wavy hair had completely except the head and the bangs, typical in these times of rain, the ground was waterlogged and it was practically difficult to keep dry.
came a bit embarrassed because almost tll members were of major courses and as it was approaching the central hall heard the giggles of the boys who was passing, if all buildings were the same lists of rooms should be on the board. Trying not to look too lost approached and searched the list with your finger: Harry Judd 208 and shared room with two more children, at least if he could leave it was not one of his companions, of course that would make it much easier. Began to climb the stairs to the second floor slowly, the heat was on and the truth is that byto heat inside, Anna's cheeks were stained strongly rose and his heart racing.
Once on the second floor had to go into one of the corridors to get to the room breathing is ragged, I was damn nervous. He stood outside the door trying to control it and breathing through your mouth several times, the hand that shook the door llamaríaa thinking over and over again what would you say if you opened it, heard voices inside the habitacióny was relieved to not recognize any of them because it was unusually severe. Inspired one last time and toc & oacute; the door a few times, heard a laugh and opened the door to see the boy's face had to lift his head more than usual, it was really tall with brown eyes and thick eyebrows raised Anna opened his mouth to answer who he was and what was there. The boy opened the door and leaned against the frame, his hair was dyed blonde, similar to James but longer, reaching to touch his neck and perfectly coiffed, his height actually imposed .
- "I can help you? – began leaving between seeing the boy paddles far apart, yet despite the rough appearance of everything was very attractive. Anna lifted the bag.
- I come to give this to Harry - managed to say with certainty.
- So I said that I sounded ... - said the big guy and he turned to call Harry - have come to see you, Judd. - dIJO loudly and turned away, saying goodbye to her with a smile.
- Really? - Heard as he approached the door and just open it, turned his head to look surprised and said - well, not waiting for you ... - habitacióny left the door closed behind him .
- I come to bring the hat ... - Anna spoke as he pulled his hat from the bag - that as nlvió to put both hands on his hat, looking back, of course Anna was at the expense of what he did.
- How did you find my room? Standing is top secret - Harry joked, changing the subject was the only way out of this trouble, although she did not even smelled it.
- Fletcher has given me the information - said Anna to face interestYou both smiled.
- Well, I guess I'll have to restrict some information ... - no matter how they talk, always came to the awkward moment . Anna lowered his head slightly, looking at the wall was right behind him, Harry sighed quietly.
- Are you okay? - Asked very concerned with the brow slightly furrowed, Anna sank it corazónyland looked quickly. Why this had to happen? Harry knew something, did not know what exactly but it was obvious that would be challenged in that way it did nothing but worsen your condition. Never again would see Harry, not even by accident.
Anna nodded, speaking the game away too, was part of hair behind her ear and swallowed.-
Laura told me on Friday were very badly and that Tom was with you ... wonder why. - End securcute; Harry as if he had read his mind, Harry knew more than everyone thought it was like a time bomb. He also wanted to reach out to Danny, but still more time together llegaríaa out sooner or later.-
Harry Thanks for asking, really, but I'm fine - Anna said, looking down the hall. - I'd better go, have things to do and I have to study ... Goodbye. - Said goodbye to Anna walking towards the scalesLERAS.
- tomorrow. - Said Harry, watched her disappear through the halls and put it back into the room. - Danny and me is playing the balls.
put his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt and buried her face in a scarf, what was happening? So hard that Harry is not found out and now you know,and through no fault of anyone, except herself. And the best part is that he did not care, it was just something else that had happened ... to recognize the defeat was so painful & Illip; He burst into tears, could not afford to mourn on the road in front of everyone, so I started running. I wish I had not ever met any of them, did nothing to hurt herself and others, to finally get nothing of what she really wanted.
The night was all about them and turned the spotlight all to play: the game was normal, Danny and Harry were on the same team and Tom in contrast to James, who was the only one that had appeared, seemingly all seemed quiteand normal. At one time Harry pushed Danny's shoulder, accidentally or not, what made you cry out that Danny had more care, Harry became Swedish. Tom came up to Harry. -
What are you doing man? - Asked alarmed, Harry looked at him askance.
During the rest of the game, everyone realized that something happened between those two, and put that kept tripping and pushing each other, James and Tom looked worried as they could not do anything. His team was pretty pissed off because they were on the same side and were losing because of him and finally after several calls got attention they trace the party making them win 2-1. Harry
packed up quickly, put the towel around his neck and walked back to his building, Danny then looked at him with a frown, he was tired of this behavior and was aaclear right now. He ran to catch up and shouted: -
Harry! - The aforementioned turned around and went a step with an air unmoved - I think you're pissed me perfect, but I prefer to tell me to go beating me like a little kid & ndash ; Danny said angrily, took days to behave in that way. Harry raised an eyebrow skeptically. -
is b... ien - completely turned to face him - I'm sick of people buggin you go to your fucking self, dañoy makes me so well. If I let you do things, at least do them well. - Danny was stunned - Happy? - Last smiled and left.
Tom and James were back, of course Anna was only able to fix this. James stepped forward and patted Danny on the back.
Damn man, I do not know qu & eacutee; have done, but piss ... Harry has merit - and went ahead to leave Tom alone with him.- Come
go. - Tom said that Danny walked with him. - I know what you and Anna you bring you hand and the truth is that I did not understand Harry's behavior in all this, but I guess I will not be the only one who suspected something.
- I know Tom, and sated that Anna did not want Harry found out, and yet I practically forced ... I shit in the milk, yes I have bundled. - Tom laughed when he saw his friend made a mess.
- Well you'd have to apologize to both, but as Harry sees that Anna is back to normal you will be normal again ... I think. - Advised Tom, Danny nodding. Silence fell on the football field they were dating.
- &; Nbsp; You know what? I think I will stop iron my hair - Danny said, touching his sweaty hair. Tom looked amazed.
- Goldilocks Will he return? - Tom joked, they laughed and nudged Danny.
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