Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Fredericton Car Auction I want a baby! Chapter 2
Every time I like writing this fic, not only because it is new to me, but because it invites to reflect and write cool things about Sasuke (or, at least, things had not noticed).
In this chapter, for the first time these two sujetillos created by Kishimoto face interviews and stuff ... I regret not being explicit, but little that I will advance them the language and the other chapter and that is not father.
Hope you like it menos half of what I liked to write.
Note spoiler for those who already read it: I'm sorry if Karin was OoC, but I have trouble working with it. Even so, it kills me laugh intervention. XDD I loved
Note 2 on something irrelevant: In the next chapter will Gaara. Did you see my reference to ShikaGaa? That couple will dominate the world.
Note 3: I have hunger and sleep.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Guidelines For The Strongest Wood Cube Possible News
(Laughing so hard my hat Fell out and dropped my taco)
good people, idle several existentialist frustrated (among others), I bring some news, good news, indecent proposals, dancing horny and much more on my fics.
1) I am excited because want a baby! is proving by far easier than I had envisaged. And I still feel more in my nirvana because he had a wonderful response on their part. To say that I was surprisedup to 20 comments in less than 72 hours ... I think if along the 4 chapters of Chronicles of Heaven and Hell and 4 of Another reason to love you stupid .. . not with the quantity (I have 19 between 8 chapters). Anyway, I was totally clouded with the reception ...
But most importantly, it history (clearly) is leaving me with impressive fluidity. To say I'm in the middle of Tecer chapter (of which I believe will be 4 or5) and I have not had lapses or problems of any kind. In fact, I think the whole day in the fic. Same and I'm giving a little to the mother to Naruto, but I promise it's bit: D and I will attribute to a character who basically do not use. And in the fic out ShikaGaa outline ... awww, emotion in my body.
2) Remember I told you VCR I posted a fic to be updated as other fics and Other Almost real stupid reason to love? Well, well, I had some problems with the ShikaGaa, but the Almost real is taking shape in my head thanks to my classes very pro Philosophy and some images I've seen, and my ubiquitous opinions. In short, this situation is partially right. Honestly, I think SasuNaru finish before continuing with the other fics, because I do not want me to leave the Muse, and as it is very short ... So bueh, so I do not regret writing it. What is that turtle will continue to step everything else, but I'll be more ... constant. I hope.
So, are advised. Have me for a while ... if the school,life and my recent promotion chief editor of a university magazine permit: D
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Usb Grabber Vc-211a Driver Hangover
And the questions of the night:
Why are you rude?
Because I'm a fucking vicious classes ended and went to hookah smoking and then drinking out of control. Although, it was fun and it is time that did not. I missed going to drink in a day of class ... and before I did during my classes. In fact, when I was still younger and just as beautiful, there were days when I went to a convenience store or thecho in the morning! with a friend and bought alcohol for bottle on the sidewalk (yes, for those who have the doubt: it is illegal) These eral my so-called "banquetazos" ... Ah, good times.
But desvariaré no more on issues of the past. My point is my peda (binge) today: Leaving school I met two friends and said "Hook?" "Well, Hook" and we went to smoke a little bit (we ; hookahs outside the university, as well as a shopping center and Costco) when we met a friend and between the two convinced them not to come to class in the afternoon.We were in that, when one of the boys said "We are on a chelas" and saw him no inconvenience. Once there, between jijiji jajaja and a beer happened to the other and all very comfortable. We started playing and I said "say a word with X," and I'm listed as "saxophone." EPIC.
Humm ... and total, between good, bad and strange, I got home queasy. I fell asleep and woke up with pain that could not with my life, blurred vision and a desire to shooting the sun does not fit into my body. And to top it off, got my papásy had to pretend to feel good (ajá), so I started writing Resaca, making a small summary of how I felt.
is not my worst raw, nor the most epic binge, but .... Well, I was surprised that I drank only half of what I used to take and I felt worse than if I had swallowed a pesticide. So it is with alcohol and with this fic.
Note: Have you ever said "I do not return to take?" Já, is a lie so common.
Note 2: I feel like crap D: I'll sleep.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Funky Handbag Birthday Cakes I want a baby!
But enough nonsense and go to my hallucinations: want a baby!
The fic was meant to be a oneshot, but I was assimilated the pot and when I take many more words than anyone is willing to read in one sitting (myself included) decided fragmenting. Yes, if they can tell laziness. I do notI plan to deny. But in the end, the joke is that I also will delve into some issues that touch so thought sooo superficial. Have the opportunity to rot with my rancid comments on everything in this world.
This first chapter is called abrupt decisions do not know what the hell because I thought the title was cool, not because mean anything ... Is not that sound cool? and it took the title because the only way to understand the other is that a) lived like a little elf in my brain b) read all in one sitting. And I said that beast that can not be. As & iacuteand, that I had to find another title mensito ... but the same is pro: D or at least I like.
Humm, hmmm .... What else? Sorry that I will roll, or worse, this appears not to have sanity in its quintessence, but I think very messy (except when I write). Ah, I remembered: I did it for a special reason. A few days ago passed a bill that endorses gay adoption, which I think is incredibly bright. I mean, your sexual preference does not make you an "unnatural" or whatever. You're perfectly capable of caring for a child, and even more capable than many parents heterosexual (theme touch it in some chapters to come and tell you all then.) I'm happy with the resolution. So I said "Shake the lazy and write something and I did. I wanted to celebrate that many children will have papásy moms from now on, instead of growing up in an orphanage.
But, hey, do not be distracted further. Thanks for reading ... and Narukun, it is not misleading advertising.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Spondylitis More Condition_symptoms 34. Do not look at me Like That
| | |
Anna Scott | Debbie Hawkins | Ceel O'Donnell |
| | |
Danny Jones | Harry Judd | Tom Fletcher |
it matter what Harry could think of it, was the determination that Anna had arrived, there were many kids in school and it was better to be alone. The kids did nothing but lead to problems, no matter the city where you found it. Just had two weeks for the quarter and had just come back to Nottingham, I could not bring dismal results. Pr & aacute; Just about had already planned the next few months on its head: what was left of school what would happen as far, half hidden, would the show and volveríaa home where everyone forget the intricacies and strange thoughts, and follow the same procedure again and try to be more to your class. Surely he would escape some detail, but I would not change strategy, could not lose his head so quickly. Go to Ray
the halls was like being untouchable, was a sort of aura of fame that he was not aware. He had dragged the habitación to go for a while to walk around even for a school, were striding through the halls holding hands, something that Anna had gotten used to his friend. Ray for some reason he knew too well the secret passageways and connections, so she had long since been lost and they were laughing. In one kilometer corridor Anna stopped dead hand pulling Ray not to go further. He turned to face her was trying to hide a bit behind him, maybe I should not have done it because, really, it would be obvious, but it was the actor reflection to see Harry sitting on the bench of the hallway. Could only partially open lips a little. Erred to stop but the Ray scowled.
- What? - Asked in surprise. He looked around but not move more than her eyes, turned his head and chuckled Anna frustrated by his poor strategy. Ray saw him a few feet of them muttered a simple understanding Ah. Looked at her with a mischievous smile. - See you down thebulletin board.
- No no no no no, I do not want to go through there - and nodded behind Ray where he was Harry. Ray grinned.
- You can not do anything, Laura has seen us and if you go so blatantly it will count to your friend - referred ; climbing again Tom. Anna looked back at the bank, how he had not seen? Harry sat next to Laura and Charlie piand expectant. Anna snorted loudly, which made Ray riese. - So that, we are down in a while.
Anna was already nervous about who would go there, and hated knowing that Harry was the force exerted on it, you could say it was purely physical. Inspired and breathed deeply and just as Ray was going to where they came slapped her in the butt, that resonated more than it hurt, she winced and made him the finger. Began to approach them, trying to appear to be very sure of herself, something completely untrue. He wondered sTom i would have told his girlfriend that Ray was gay, and if she would have told Harry ... sometimes wondered if it was not as evident as she was that Ray was gay.
The kids greeted with a quick gesture, did not even know if they had returned, and went to Laura with a smile.
- What are you doing here? - Asked Laura holding her arm.
- I have come to take a turn, was a little tired of my building. - Shrugged his shoulders, and listened as the boys startedabandoned another conversation. - Have not you already finished exams?
- I only have two and we're here for the remedial classes are a pain. - Both smiled - but hey, what are you? How you been?
- I think well, but this week is when they start to publish the results. Nor do I claim victory, because then there are surprises. - Laura nodded understanding. For some reason there was an awkward silence, of course his friend was acting strangely, there was somethingin his ways that he was warned that he could not tell what it was, and should be done carefully.
- Tom Well, what are you?, Because when I talk to him tells me nothing about it ... - knew it was not the best subject to be treated, but realized later. - When is the recital?
- Oh, for the next week, I do not remember the time ... - addressed the boys and asked - When the concert began, Harry?
Harry looked at her friend and attentive to the response is directed & oacute, to Anna in a cordial tone.
- Eeehh ... - said staring at the ceiling making memory - is the day of the notes, the two I believe - unsure frowned -. Nor is it a great thing: the speech before the break and finally will play Tom. Oh and the chorus. - Said, watching the two girls milestone milestone. Laura sighed.
- "Again you're going to be nostalgic? - watching Charlie laughed Laura, but did not give a deaf ear.
- Of course, the holidays are over and we're all pretty far away. Also now Tom ... - sighed again. Anna laughed slightly and crossed his arms, inadvertently calling the attention of two boys. And to eyesores could be two, unconsciously looked at both embarrassed to have his side Charlie made her feel stupid for the enormous difference in height, not to mention that it seems & iacuyou, to the ugly duckling next to them.
had not had the opportunity to hear him laugh often, and heard from the back of his throat so he could not avoid looking at her, which had been banned weeks ago, at least look at her that way, perhaps because the cold was as he crossed his arms, put his long hands to slip on the jacket under his forearm, the untidy hair fell around her shoulders and two long strands easily exceeded the chest. Despite having collected the long bangs behind her ears rubbed some fine strands of rosy cheeks. When he laughed, his smile that he drew in the labios was twisted and showed his teeth, and ivory tusks protruding. Do not understand why but his mouth was something that fascinated him in particular. Pronounced cheekbones and eyes narrowed a little, making clear blue of his iris with long, thick lashes that gave him a cat, but then his expression of admiration, thought that maybe Laura envied their happiness ... He realized that in reality barely knew her to know anything and yet could not avoid this setting. Perhaps that analysis in the eyes of another there will be only & iacute; an meant a silly girl too shy to realize how attracted attention. Her smile quickly faded and he looked at Charlie and automatically, which made Harry jumped a little, but not visibly. Looked away and shifted hands clutching at the base of the back. This time he broke the silence was Charlie, who had been watching.
- Just thinking about the horand travel as it hurts my neck - said while rubbing his neck. Everyone nodded thoughtfully.
- And you, with how big you are ... go crouched in the seat - said Laura as she began to laugh. Charlie raised his thick eyebrows with a look menacing but still fun. Anna just smiled and did not know him well enough to laugh at him.
- DeHowever, they are saying out there something of a Christmas party or something, I do not know if they will only last year. - Charlie changed the subject again, rubbing his chin angled.
- Yes, but apparently there will be by far, I know, I do not think anyone is going to go & hellip -you know, spending money on transportation and all that ... - said Harry as he moved his hands nervously between her legs.
- & nbsp; Hey Anna, since you see both Tom tell him I want to talk to him - suddenly appeared skeptical Laura watching the other girl. Anna opened her eyes a little and nodded, mumbling a " it." The other two stared at Laura in serious attitude.
The bell rang just in time, got up and said goodbye to Anna. In the short journey to school Harry went to Laura.
- Do not think you are a bit exaggerated? - Accused his friend.
- What do you know? - Laura defended.
- Only you're crazy jealous of Anna and not even know why - "said Harry flatly. Finding himself cornered Laura snorted.
- Look who's talking ... When you know what you do with your life, talk to me. - Terms & oacute, she and walked briskly, almost running away from him. He raised an eyebrow at his comment and looked at Charlie who was on the other hand, he shook his head, hinting that it is not taken seriously.
His roommate had gone to spend the night in someone's room. He had not told who, but they had discussed the meeting and told him not to worry about anything. Ceel Debbie and her company had gone, but not to sleep since it was completedtemente prohibited. The dinner was over and were scattered around the room.
- Uy estáte quieta ya, que me pones nerviosa. - Debbie said, by the tides of channels to Anna, who had his back against the bed sitting on the floor with legs outstretched, his hand up and the remote control.
- just do not throw anything good on TV - Anna complained, while bostEzab and threw the remote Debbie also sat on the floor near the wall where it was the radiator.
- what you are saying, they were throwing the CSI - said as he concentrated on finding the channel you were putting the legs bent , despite wearing the uniform tights kept saying she was cold. Anna threw her head back rests on the mattress.
- But if est & aacute; repeated ... - murmured resigned, I was not bored but tired of thinking the same, despite his comment that her friend knew that did not matter. He rubbed his forehead and then touched his neck white shirt, along the seams of the buttons were unbuttoned to the chest in the dark place where the neckline. He raised his head again and bent down to start buttoning and unbuttoning.
- Damn, this chapter I've seen a thousand times. - Debbie snorted, again changing the channel. Anna Mir & oacute, a sidelong glance and smiled, left the buttons and fell sideways on the ground, being totally shot. Ceel looked, which was resting on the coffee table on his knees, while your laptop was almost as if they were in the room. Reaching out of hand, grabbed her skirt caught her attention.
- Yes yes yes, I'm done - said simply. He then closed the laptop and looked at her with a grin, she handed it back and sat ó a bit to crawl to the table where they had prepared several packages of snacks. Debbie also came to the table.
- So you are going to do, Ceel? - Asked Debbie choosing what to eat.
- I'm going to London to spend every vacation there - said sipping a potato in a delicate -. But the truth is that neither I am very excited.
- Tell me, who live away from the hand of God - said picking up a treat. They address a silence thinking that they would take each and that despite not wanting to study more after the exams did not want to go home.
- I've heard something like a party that will hold - the two looked at Anna with a frown & mdash ;, but we do not think we're invited - ended Ana hacsee one face.
- Obviously we were not invited, the first suckers lose everything. - Ceel said indignantly.
- a shit Well, anyway I do not think my parents paid me the trip again - Deb said as I followed to eating.
- you not come to nothing with Cappie? - Anna said, by askinglgo. Ceel sighed resignedly.
- You speak more of it than I do, my thing with him is not so much for ... - said as he lowered his voice . Deb and Anna looked confused and turned to look at - So, as I'm not that excites me ... - continued as she fixed her bangs. Anna is James came to mind suddenly, perhaps no longer felt so well as she would like, but decided not to make any comment.
- & nbsp; Is not the James that, right? - Debbie asked bluntly, there was always the risk that Debbie did not think that much. Anna looked at her and she looked significantly at Ceel.
- Ay because I do not know the truth, but honestly I think increasingly more so. And that pisses me off eh, I'll see what I do. - Ceel finished. Anna knew she would solve the problems directly so do not be preoccupied too. The envied for their power of decision. - What about you? Never count anything. - Contacting said Debbie. It got a little stiff and Anna looked at her funny to have become a victim of Ceel analysis.
- Me? No aunt, no picking up girls or the ugly. - Complained to joke.
- But that's because you have not pince, certainly with the hair going to school - Ceel said pointing to the disheveled ponytail she wore.
- Hey, what's wrong with my hair? - Responded by threatening, trying to trim a little hair. The other two began to laugh. - Look, let me now eh. Anyway, you had to introduce me to your friends.
- Yeah well, but at this rate ... - Deb snorted, annoyed. While Anna was playingwith a pen on the table, the word "friend" reminded the group of Tom, and moved to that afternoon when he had the meeting.
relive encounters with Harry hated, yet loved how his heart beat faster to remember feelings. He never wanted to think about what your position sexy lounging with his hands between his legs, as well it was the winter uniform that was almost as black tie him in as he glances directed fast and felt like I could see through it with his blue eyes, also hated not being able to look away from his scarnear the temple, a scar in an odd way I always wanted to play and ask what happened ... It was definitely something purely physical, just like it was known to his personality and even less love. At least I wanted to believe it and was somewhat relieved to think that, because that would mean it would be easy to stop thinking about him subconsciously. But as I thought about it knew that it was mentiríaa herself if he did not like the deal he had with Dougie, the protector is shown with Laura, his friendship with Tom, the strange relationship he had ; to Danny, and the fact that despite apparently easygoing andStaba slope of nearly everything. He stopped his thoughts and clicked his tongue to be lost again in the same. He feigned a shiver to shake their heads and scatter. Ceel watched her and watched her lips pursed.
- "You're not going to say anything? - Asked Ceel. Anna looked at her quizzically - Do not play dumb, because in reality that has triumphed over here is you, and do not say no - Anna smiled pretending joy.
- Nothing, I dunno, I think that happened because of the subject - said it would, as he scratched the back of head.
- Well, I have those two would not the issue - looking at both said Ceel significantly, reminding kids the patio a few days ago saw.
- Ya, but then behave like buds & ndash; remarked Debbie Deb Anna looked behind the window where I was, seeing a gleam rose.
- 's snowing! - Cried as she hurried to the window, was a way to escape the topic, but surely would have noticed understand. My hand on the cool glass. - It's the first snow, right? - Asked looking at the girls who were seated.
- & nbsp; Yes, I think it's the first snowfall - Debbie replied as he turned to face her, "but no wonder, today the sky was completely overcast.
- snows Not in Nottingham? - Asked Ceel surprised to see her reaction.
- Yes - shrugged and looked out the window - but I always look forward, in addition &; Aacute; s never seen it snow.
- As you will see tomorrow ... - Debbie added, turning again. Suddenly Anna
opened wide the window, entering a blizzard in the first impression, Anna shrugged a bit holding the glass giving the cold wind in the face while holding the other two packages on the table.
- LOCA - Debbie screamed and Ceel murMuró something, Anna just laughed - then closes I'm going to look like an ice cube!
- Just a moment - Anna asked, approaching the window sill supporting both hands, heard Debbie complain as she stood behind the bed and grabbed his jacket to wear it. He soon the steam out of the mouth of Anna, reached out to catch a snowflake, but in vain reminded white forests were created in Nottingham close to homeand the bitter cold to play in the snow, can I do miss it.
heard a loud knocking at the door, the three of them stiff and looked at his watch: eleven at night. It was a curfew, and not only was not allowed in rooms outside these hours, if not the meals in the rooms were strictly prohibited, and penalties were not laughing matter. Anna slammed the window and Debbie and Ceel took all the bags and threw them under the bed, Anna joined them, Debbie whispered " If I knew, I know ... Mira I told you ... "while clasping While ChaqUETA, Ceel took his jacket off the bed and began to wear it anyway. The knocking became more insistent moviesen making them more rapidly and nervousness, Anna shouted "I will!" And gave a strong pull the quilt cover packages from under the bed had too much lower so that they were well hidden. Flip the mattress is brought about, what he did release a "pussy." He ran to the door and opened it to address a teacher sixties and it was still higher than fourth Anna. His little blue eyes and a bow combedappearance made him a dictator, certainly the teachers chose to make the rounds.
Anna smiled in greeting to her, and did not open the door completely.
- ... Is everything in order - looked at the little plaque on the left of the door - Miss Scott?
- Yes, madam - said still trying to hide the fright with a big smile. The fact of seeing sorigid and that had made him slow to open gently push the door with his hand, indicating that it is fully opened. Had no choice.
Ceel and Debbie stood next to the ogre with a military posture, Debbie's face was all one poem. The teacher looked down at them and looked back at Anna again.
- I guess not this remind you of the rules of our school - sternly proclaimed, did not have much paint of turning a blind eye. The three shook their heads, looked at the identification & oacutee, n hanging from his jacket "Trigonometry teacher, Mr. Vasiliev" - In this school we have built an unblemished reputation for decades, so much to my regret - bet that enjoyed with it - I will have them each with a warning that should complete with its own punishment, with special attention to the owner of the room. - If looks could kill would Vasiliev Mrs. agonizing pain. Anna had a hand on the doorway, praying that it did not notice the bed. The woman scribbled in small notebooksnot with his pen, looked up and made a gesture to go aside the other two. They wondered if she would know their names because he was an omnipotent being. gave them a paper to each one as they passed, waved them indicates that waiting outside and finally gave it to Anna adding - Beware of opening the window will not take cold. Good night.
turned on his heel and went very decent down the stairs with a firm step. Anna closed the door and sighed, should be an omnipotent being. He threw the warning on the table, touched the hair and NOT & oacutee, a snowflake melted it in his hand. He looked out the window again and saw that I was questioning her friends and laughed, assumed that they would be asking the names, luckily his window overlooking the main entrance. The woman went back inside and both looked up suspecting that Anna would be watching them, and effectively. In addition to being laughing, Ceel beckoned the woman was crazy and Debbie corroborated. Anna laughed even more, saw them talk to each other and turned to look at her farewell.
walked together andthat their buildings were next to each other. As they spoke of the cold saw Tom and Harry approached. They seemed to talk about something serious, or maybe the cold would not let them gesturing, wearing scarves and coats paths black school that Debbie began at fault. When they passed by hand, Debbie nod and Tom did the same with a slight smile. He turned to see how advanced and went to Ceel.
- Van towards the building of Anna - said alerted.
- Maybe just passing ... - answered Ceel, Debbie turned to turn around to look at them and kept going .
Anna wanted a bit off the radiator as it was starting to get very red. This was under the window so he began to turn the knob and opened the window again, this time there was no wind. He saw two guys going through the building, causing her to wonder by the time it was. Masy inched found that they were Harry and Tom, from donde was only heard as a whisper them so quickly turn off the television. Definitely could not hear anything on the front door stood a moment and then kept walking. Anna crept halfway to see where they went. Then he realized he must look like a crazy and relevant paragraphs of the window to see if now it will not be able to pass anyone on here ... ", snorted and turned to bed. Maybe I had just wanted the quarter as soon as possible.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Dysomia Dysgeusia Side Effects Near real-Chapter 5
After a median time to write dry, I managed to get the real Nearly chapter.
What happens to me with this fic is something "peculiar" ;. I really like, but I have to be in a special mood because if I do not do things that not the case, or digress much. To be honest, I was writing chapter 4 when I was born the idea of VCR and I could only write. So I left this in the corner of "the update soon, and as I have many readers because I saw no reason why someone came to tell me" whatgoing to continue? "and I started to write my latest mental abortion (and I love it).
addition, writing always makes me hard, I think they're going slow. Just because you also find it tedious to read ... But I promise now I will be more agile and less sloppy to make updates. I solemnly promise that I will end this fic
But the chapter, which is what touches:
The world broke. I feel that I'm breaking (or giving the mother) to Gaara that portrayed at first, but he is only back together, to refuse to s & iacute, it's unhealthy fixation feels fucked by evil Sasuke \u0026lt;3 Anyway, catharsis is the poor man, and that is joined to Haku wants to help because they rarely shout (oh, é , l always so beautiful and good friend \u0026lt;3) and that is the evil Sasuke up in the soup.
Hope you have ever experienced those days of "For Baal, no more bad luck, but I have done. You're such a bad mood, so hateful and susceptible to all you want is that the world is set to mute and you will not be harassed. Anyway, that's the attitude of Gaara. It's up to everyone's ballsyou are against him the same day. And so, when Sasuke tells him that gives knowledge, the other did not think it twice ... could you blame him?
Like this Gaara who longs for wisdom, which wants to separate from the others because they know it's better ... And I do not know if you notice, but try to get his little cultural data so that they know xD It's a fiction to which I have some intellectual appreciation. In fact, much intellectual appreciation.
I keep writing: D muajaja
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sorority Initiation Dress Take me now
all started when I read the poem of the day (I'm subscribed to alarms poesíay one page of a newspaper sent me) called Time, Joan of Ibargourou. It was a simple poem, which I liked a lot and plasma orna very beautiful image in the mind. I thought of a man appearing naked in a door and saying "take me." I did not think in the perverted sense, but that was the impression I left work. And so I wrote it.
did not know what was going to do, or what pairing would, nor what he would do ... but I HAD to write. It was an imposition of my muse which could only hold me. And while writing said "I want to be Shikamaru, but had no idea who would undress. Gaara was unlikely to be given ahacer character, grumpy and proud of Sasuke not be planted naked in front of an apartment unless they give him a million dollars (money that, on the other hand, I have no xDD) So, I thought something that molded and paff! Sai came to my mind. Oddly, now that I think, as I've never felt a particular fondness for him, but it did. And there it was weaving the story, without a certain destination, until it left my little abortion imaginative ...
I liked the sketch of the couple, to the extent that I'm considering them a few chapters fic. I think they are exploited, as was my beloved SasuGaa in the beginNzo, or my exciting ShikaGaa, nobody knows xDDD Anyway, it is very likely to soon give them a story as a "context" of this fic, or just take the item and send the rest to hell . But, yes, I notice that my new fad is the ShikaSai ...
I know that nobody takes the time to read this, but if someone came by accident, thanks for my hand glimpse of fiction. I bet it is not nearly as interesting as it believed xD but there's nothing you can do about it. It's me ... C.