Monday, August 2, 2010

Sorority Initiation Dress Take me now

Exclusive readers, as always, a pleasure to have in this radiant and beautiful section. Today, I have to talk to my fic "Take me now." Actually, not what I expected when I wrote it, had an idea that would fit into a ShikaGaa or ShikaSasu, or SasuGaa or something xDDD but did not hit at all. Or at least not without making unnecessary changes.

all started when I read the poem of the day (I'm subscribed to alarms poesíay one page of a newspaper sent me) called Time, Joan of Ibargourou. It was a simple poem, which I liked a lot and plasma orna very beautiful image in the mind. I thought of a man appearing naked in a door and saying "take me." I did not think in the perverted sense, but that was the impression I left work. And so I wrote it.

did not know what was going to do, or what pairing would, nor what he would do ... but I HAD to write. It was an imposition of my muse which could only hold me. And while writing said "I want to be Shikamaru, but had no idea who would undress. Gaara was unlikely to be given ahacer character, grumpy and proud of Sasuke not be planted naked in front of an apartment unless they give him a million dollars (money that, on the other hand, I have no xDD) So, I thought something that molded and paff! Sai came to my mind. Oddly, now that I think, as I've never felt a particular fondness for him, but it did. And there it was weaving the story, without a certain destination, until it left my little abortion imaginative ...

I liked the sketch of the couple, to the extent that I'm considering them a few chapters fic. I think they are exploited, as was my beloved SasuGaa in the beginNzo, or my exciting ShikaGaa, nobody knows xDDD Anyway, it is very likely to soon give them a story as a "context" of this fic, or just take the item and send the rest to hell . But, yes, I notice that my new fad is the ShikaSai ...

I know that nobody takes the time to read this, but if someone came by accident, thanks for my hand glimpse of fiction. I bet it is not nearly as interesting as it believed xD but there's nothing you can do about it. It's me ... C.


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