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Anna Scott | Debbie Hawkins | Harry Judd |
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Danny Jones | Dougie Poynter | Tom Fletcher |
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Ray | Zender |
would soon go to Nottingham before I had to clear things up with Danny, at least had managed to decide that you would in public to avoid any other attempt on their part. He had not the slightest idea of cow he would react.
That same Friday afternoon to go take the train until Sunday night, in which volveríaa Lanefield, not very good idea on Monday as they surely would not yield at all. I was afraid both of what might happen when he arrived as what occurred while she was out of school.
sport's uniform was much warmer than the normal uniform, and very grateful first hour, was being a very cold fall compared to last year, but most were in December and your city would probably double the cold. While caminaba kept thinking to the gym in Nottingham, in your neighborhood, your home ... the truth is that other than throwing a little less: the south was very different to the north. Anna wondered if his speech had changed and she would laugh, a smile flitted across him, being in the gym door audibly sighed and dropping some of steam. Physical Education have never been a problem, moreover, it was fun, but since that time I was with Danny could not rest easy knowing he was there, possibly Look Ndola. No queríavolver to feel embarrassed for him, not this time.
appears behind open the big door and was relieved to see a few kids in his class and waiting for the arrival of the teacher, and some of the other class, and yes, Danny Jones and Tom Fletcher already there. Entered without further ado, without a doubt the temperature outside and inside were not large differences, left the knapsack in the usual place alongside those of his companions, who greeted and asked things about the class. He stayed in the circle of boys while he was out of the conversation, so do not wait any longer, S and looked toward the other side of the gym where they were the third. Danny's eyes looked trying not to look his best friend, he preferred to speak with him later, and the freckles stood with his hands in the pockets of his blue tracksuit, matching t-shirt white short-sleeve ... meant they should have been warming. So he looked and saw beckoning him to come over, he frowned ceñoy likewise noted that he was incredulous calling him, made a mohíny Anna put her hands on jarra. She would not scream his name. They walked until they reached both in the middle of the gym, in the middle of the two classes, Danny was smiling, at least they were in a good mood to talk things out.
had to admit that was not the best place to say, but could not think of anything more sensible. Stared at him, hoping he had to say, her eyes blinking open and then: the very picture of innocence. Anna, I summoned up courage, I looked at the necklace of silver spheres holding Danny's neck, touched his forehead with his gloved hand and removing the fringe and closed his eyes.
- well I'm sorry I yelled in the yard, Danny - Anna said finally opening it and staring at him.
- And you should have told me, indeed, should insult in all languages ... - answered He shrugged and chuckled - I mean, I was a complete asshole and accuse you even knowing it is not true.
- & nbsp; Well if you knew it was not true you should not have said. - Anna interrupted cutting, folding his arms.
- Sorry ... but it pisses me do not tell me things clear, because if you do strange things I guess ... ; understand? - Danny asked, trying to ignore the party involved.
- Yes I understand, & amp; nbsp; I too am angry, really ... well, at least you know it was not for you what happened. - Anna said, if he felt guilty.
- I know that is more ... - stopped to think about it and went - I know it was by Harry ... and probably remain so. - If he wanted to continue being friends would have to be very honest with her. Anna looked visibly shocked aside, it was obvious that Danny believed to be &; Iacute; to the last to realize, she bit her lower lip.
- I ... sorry Danny, I was selfish. - Anna apologized heart, Danny smiled and frowned.
- Scottie Never Rayes, who was not selfish at all this time? I have behaved like a pig and you ... to a lesser extent. - Danny justified, she opened lto mouth and hit him in the arm, both starting laughing. - Go, go, nothing happens, we both knew it would not last long, right? In a way it should be.
- Do you realize that every time we talk is to discuss or to apologize? - Anna said laughing, he smiled sharply.
- Ya, that when we are not liándonos around the corners. & Amp; ndash; said Danny, probably without even thinking. Anna laughed openly amazed by his cheek and poked him again in the same place. He was glad everything was going so natural, not end of the dramatic form had been imagining.
- Well, that's the last time. Will no longer occur. - Anna objected carefree.
- right? - Was serious but when he saw que was laughing at her, frowned.
- No. - responded decisively. Jones smiled.
- I I still have not forgiven for having cheated ... so as a requirement to earn my forgiveness ... - silent a moment to her nervous, rubbing his chin thoughtfully pretending. - One last kiss.
- & nbsp; 're crazy. - Anna quickly responded.
- Done Deal? - He repeated.
- Okay, okay. But a deal's a deal: the last. - Won her raising an eyebrow, Danny raised both hands in a sign of loyalty. Anna dropped her arms, leaving each side of the legs, he had no intention & amp; oacute n to move and stood with his hands in his pockets.
He walked quickly, stretched a little and planted his lips on his, not wanting more contact and it seemed that he thought so. The kiss was soft and fast enough. Anna broke up and he stayed in the same slightly bent position, blinking clearly disappointed.
- Come on, that was not the deal, I know you can be more generous. - Nonconformist Danny whispered.
chuckled and sighed, I wanted this to happen the m & aacute, s soon as possible but apparently those plans were not Danny. If you did what I wanted to be be silent at once. Lunged at him hard with his mouth half open, he lacked time to respond in the same way, even without physical contact that was more than enough. He was willing to take the last, her lips moving with skill and language, even if he stayed out of breath, the lips of Anna was a softness that is rarely found. But then a deafening whistle interrupted them, Danny smiled against his lips, the professor was drawing attention, of course.
whistles and giggles could be heard all over because the audience they had, I was sure they had arrived and everyone. That last kiss was almost as good as before, but it was over: no more tangles. It left him walking back and shrugged, Danny pointed to the mouth as if she had to be cleaned, Anna pursed her lips and I dedicate the finger with a wry smile . He handed it back.
always found it strange to dress in normal clothes at school, it was like to be out of lugar, but could not go to the train station in uniform. He had to take the gym rucksack and a backpack to take everything you need for the weekend but there continue taking spare clothes, ended up closing the black jacket on the knees and sighed taking a last look around the room in case you forgot something.
opened the door and when we had to lift the rucksack groaned in surprise, it weighed a ton, bent completely back with both arms and dragged the super knapsack to go to one side of the door. Entering snorted again, ech &; Oacute; the backpack and closed the door: it was a real problem the fact that Ray had not yet arrived. The truth is that no one had warned that he was going that weekend, his roommate had left a note explaining everything, and in others, not even seen, with a little luck would not realize it was gone.
deep breath and grabbed with both hands the handle of the knapsack, as if it were a weightlifting championship, leaving the elbows flexed his hands to his chest and hitting haversackabdomen painfully with every step he took. He walked up the stairs holding my breath estartalado step, damn, can not be that difficult , turned on his heel to get to the ladder profile, their backs to the wall and facing handrail; uncomfortable position but at least if you could see someone coming up and not fall over. In the third step wrong spot, when we had to put the left foot and leaned miscalculated on the edge causing him to fall headlong down and pulling the rucksack, that stay in a diagonal position with two steps. He succeeded in leaning on the wall and not rolling off hacia the floor, clicked his tongue and with a look of hatred subliminal kicked him to the grapevine that, as usual, began to roll down the stairs noisily. Anna tired of the heavy knapsack audibly groaned and rubbed his forehead with both hands
- Need Help? - Said someone upstairs, Anna hopeful turned with a smile that froze at the sight of Kathryn walking towards her.
- & nbsp; Well .... A little truth itself. - Not going to lie, and if he really was offering to help, not going to reject it. They descended the stairs and once stood in the knapsack on either side.
- I grab a handle and you you take the other, so we split the weight - Kathryn suggested holding a handle, Anna nodded and took the other, the difference was enormous.
Kathryn was a very strange person, he could be from the most obnoxious person on earth to the most friendly and in addition marginallI, s, not disingenuous. Fortunately, to reach the entrance of the school had to go on the road for everyone volvíaa their rooms, and prevent inappropriate events. But do not take long to start a conversation that did not suit him.
- Fletcher always surprises everyone in the Christmas concerts ... it's really good with the piano. - I never knew how they got to put Tom in the conversation.
- Yes, I have o & iacute, do ... almost everyone here plays an instrument or have any talent - Anna said with a smile, had to divert their attention, Kathryn looked thoughtful with his mouth twisted.
- Now that I say is true, Danny can play the harmonica and Harry is starting to play so they say & hellip bateríao in fact, I played the clarinet small, although, of course, I quit. - Kathryn said it was impossible to divert but still, it was interesting to talk withla; have much information that she did not know. Looked at from an innocent point, maybe the mentioned because they were the only people known to have in common ...
- so jealous, I know not to touch anything ... maso least defend myself with the acoustic guitar but hey, no. - Anna said with a tone a little embarrassed by all of them felt useless, Kathryn looked at him and smiled gently and returned it. I did not know if poker &; Iacute; pounding her life or be your friend ...
- Nobody has come to help? - Asked suddenly.
- Who will want to help take weight? - Anna laughed innocently.
- Not even Danny? - Dropped - or Harry? - I was slow to raise the issue, butsomething eluded him Anna, why Harry?
- Harry? - Looked at her with a frown.
- I heard the other day I went to stay a while habitacióny talking - justified Kahtryn Sabiondo .
- You hear many things ... - the girl closedmouth shut, Anna smiled - I do not think anything special is going to someone's room. I just went to return something and not even entered. - Oh oh, was providing too much information, no matter the determination to take, talk about Harry was nervous and that would be something that would hardly be able to change.
- you think so, not everyone knows what Harry's room, let alone having a companion Charlie Simpson ... - the anchor that opened the door, called CHarlie Simpson ... not beat the truth. Why? Why Harry was playing with her again? He had confided the secret of his habitacióny not care, largely unaware. Anna decided to shrug their shoulders at this "accusation", I did not knew that she was privileged to have Tom's best friend.
- For me Harry is just a friend of a friend, something platonic ... how a rockstar. - Both laughed at the continued comparacióny & ndash, I do not know, is someone who does not even have it in mind because it's impossible, he is in fourth and I first. - Kathryn simply paused pensively, hoping not to have committed any error.
finally arrived at reception, where you ask a taxi to lock her up at school and take her to Oxford, all corríaa account of his mother. So before leaving the cheerleader asked
- And where are you going?
- & amp; nbsp; to my house, Nottingham. - Replied with some amusement. She whistled.
- Go, is a bit far ... My home is in Cambridge - he smiled - to see if you spend Christmas one day there, land a party every Christmas to meet.
- Ah, well, OK ... you .... And let me know that ... - Anna replied, noddinghead slowly.
- course! - Kathryn enthusiastically exclaimed, pressing her hand - I speak! - Said as he left.
Everything was very rare, but since then have called rockstar Harry had been very successful, it was a good adjective to express how he looked. For this weekend I had to forget all that and focus on your family ... or at least would try.
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