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Anna Scott | Tom Fletcher | Danny Jones |
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Kathryn |
school had decorated the entire Christmas decorations and large posters congratulating
Christmas after all only a few weeks left to the finish of the quarter ... The garlands hanging from the ceiling everywhere and cute stickers decorating the walls and doors, window panes were espumillóny snowflakes: you go to the cries pedíaa cafeteríay ask you a hot chocolate. Anna was next dthe Department of History, reading the board some test results, in the back felt as they passed students leaving a classroom but did not flinch.
- I have said I went to look for on Saturday, what did? - Innocent, "she said.
- And Sunday. - She said as a sign that he was aware - do you have time? - He replied, his tone of voice was impossible to get an idea of what it was so important.
- Mmmm ... the truth is that in a while I have an exam and well ... not hard but ... - Anna replied hesitantly .
- Okay, well, then we are at halftime in the meeting room, do you think? - Fletcher insisted, she opened her eyes a little.
- Okay, okay. - She said, shrugging and nodding.
- Well, bye. - Were dismissed with a wry smile and hands, Anna did the same.
Now if that was getting nervous, hadreferred to in the meeting room, where everybody knows there is no Christ at the break, to say nothing of Tom emphasis placed on them utterance. He prayed that it was not anything serious, but at least Tom does not see him sad or depressed .... Exam time Anna came and did the best he could, though I could barely concentrate because of his friend in the class came over and was almost running into the meeting room, the Bell had played for some time. After walking the long corridor was the wide door of the room, which was ajar, Anna approached cautiously and looked : Tom was coNo hands in his pockets looking out the windows. He gave a gentle knock on the door to get his attention, his friend turned and shook his head indicating that enter:
-Close - Tom ordered as Anna took the first step, and he did. - Well, How was your trip? - Anna frowned, Tom was very rare.
- Well, a little boring to go home but ... I do not know... - Said as he sat on the table. - Nothing interesting.
- is that Dougie and I went to your room because no one knew where you were and decided it
, at the last minute to invite so ... - Tom said sorry, she laughed. - Not if I knew nothing, but still was half forced to return to Nottingham. - Anna commented while balancing the piis hung from the table. - And what, how was the party?
- was OK, took place throughout the building Dougie, a little lag the truth ... in every room there a mini-party and the corridors were crazy. - She laughed aloud - my really do not like those things too, but then could not miss. Were all. - Tom said looking into her eyes, she said understood by all, the four boys.
- & nbsp; Danny imagine it would happen like a monkey - he added with a smile on his lips, thinking about the situation, he smiled back.
- The truth is yes, although most of the time we were together ... - for some reason, the conversation was over, Tom did not seem the work of giving many details of the party, but seemed to have something in mind. - Because I was a Sunday in tor search.
- Ya ya, Ray told me everything. - Tom jerked the eyes from the ground and looked at seriously, scrutinizing her face. Anna frowned innocently been missing.
- What did he say? - Asked inquiringly.
- That there; As come for me on Sunday and I had to say something important ... - Anna replied guiltily, Tom seemed more relaxed. For some reason, I had the feeling that
wanted to tell you something but do not know where to begin, so she pressed. - What? - Asked worried.
- lost sight of Harr at some point in the party and when I found it again I was very well attached to a girl from his class ... - Anna's feet were static and instinctively raised his eyebrows slightly reduced mouth to a line, Tom had to tell all or would be worse - and I have every confidence that they were getting involved in the corners.
No, it was not exactly the best way to let go but it was the truth, and not that he had seen with his own eyes but his friends. I did not know how it would take, but it supposedly should not bother and upset, but if I had to take cCCOUNT the attraction to Anna and Harry, it was obvious that was not going to happen, unless something very different. She looked to the side of Tom, with full meditation, without showing any sense, only comprehensive nodded his head, as if it were something natural and obvious. He sighed loudly and shrugged. -
is what usually happens at parties, right? - Accredited Anna, turning to look at his friend with an expression completely repressed, Tom felt a great pain and bit his lower lip, not wanting & iacute; for this to happen, not knowing that Harry had acted differently. Perhaps he had misjudged in thinking that he was interested in it ... - is what has to happen ...
- Anna again repeated, self-convincing. They stayed long time in silence, he looked away from her and Anna kept looking hands. The bell rang again, causing her mood lifted in mock table: -
Come, " no? - Are saiddirigíaa laughing while the door, turned the knob stopped.
- Anna ... - Tom came slowly.
- Quee - she said jokingly, but really did not want to talk more with him and with him nor with anyone. He forced himself to turn around to face him, and that's what Tom wanted.
- & amp; nbsp; Do you really care? Because when I knew I did not like ... - whispered her friend, she stroked the neck facing the tables, the treacherous tears welled his eyes and lower lip began to tremble. The sob escaped his throat before he could suppress it and covered her mouth with one hand, again Tom hugged her tightly this time with a feeling of guilt for failure to have prevented what occurred, however,
happened ... had to talk to Anna and was not yet explain how it, Has been in that crazy party, but that mattered little, if his memory failed him, the boy he had seen in the common room and Harry was a girl ... I was not going to be easy Decí , tell him, your friend, but the sooner the better. The chemistry class was fast, at this time only based on theory to explain darker and examinations, to play the horn packed up and prepared to go so fast as he could, it was recess and had to find Anna before they leave. But then something happened that might have been waiting for over a month, something that roomOur company is parked in a place of your mind waiting to be forgotten.
Hawkins! - Eric called aloud. Debbie was halfway to leave, there was still time to become the Swedish and out of class, but obviously did not. Although it would have been appropriate. He turned and walked to the table. - I see you've improved dramatically in the subject ... What happened?
- Intensive study - Replyed her wearily, what really happened was that he had learned to ignore the teacher in class and applied to one hundred percent. - I go every day to the library to study and well .... It looks to me works. - Eric was limited to sitting around in front of him and nodded. Had to run fast, because everything had been trying to bury this month, it was pulling back.
- I'm glad you found the key, I worried that started to be suspended since the beginning of course ... - eattó rubbing his cheek.
- That will not happen - Debbie remarked, and glanced at his watch. I really wanted out of there. - Well professor, I have to go. Is important.
- Oh of course, just wanted to ask that. You already know I'm always here. - Said as he ordered his papers. Debbie just nodded.
- tomorrow, Eric. - Said goodbye as he walked through the door.
- tomorrow, Debbie ... - answered almost inaudibly.
What he had done was something horrible, he had deigned to speak to her again and she was stupid, had gone no further. Maybe I should try to establish a normal teacher-student relationship, in fact had never been different ... frommental debate again. Should leave things alone pass, because I had seen that otherwise would not solve anything. now only had to find Anna and tell her what happened ...
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