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Ceel O'Neil | Laura Connors | Kathryn |
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Dougie Poynter | Danny | Inma Ashmore |
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Matt Willis | Harmony Katz |
The Dracula began to laugh; Rse blatantly, Debbie made a mohíny Anna knew nothing but to judge the age of man must be a teacher ... young. The ballerina Anna stood before again almost back to him, the gladiator assumed it would be a teacher of the dancer.
- I see you've finally come ... - Eric commented while well-placed layer.
- Yes, I have left unresolved issues in my room. - Debbie said with resignation.
- "It resolved? Examinationis Tuesday. - Eric replied in astonishment.
- already good but I can not invent formulation. - Debbie criticized gesturing with his hands.
- The scheme that I have been putting the last week I think I explained very clearly, I guess maybe I should have distributed copies ... - the professor looked thoughtful.
- Anyway, I took notes ... - Debbie added.
Anna at the beginning followed by a little conversation, but despues of a quarter of an hour talking about it and without knowing anything decided to intervene. Debbie really had to be crazy to be talking about the exams at a party.
- Well, I go to the drinks table - drew the attention of her friend, putting a hand on his shoulder, nodded it .- if you'll excuse me ... - is Anna apologized through the teacher side.
Anna came out of the reach of their views and sighed, that pain in the ass of numbers. When he chose to serve at the table and drank a little punch, do not actually have &; Iacute; a lot of thirst for a long time it was taking the rhythm with their feet and looking around the room until it ended punch. I could not leave the party without having danced a bit and he went to the stage where they were the main speakers and, therefore, louder music, hopefully find someone you know there.
As the area was started to find some familiar faces, which meanwhile disguise was an arduous task, then, between bands, recognized his classmate who was disguised Lorence mummy came as could until she was lucky that more girls in the class. Annto be coupled with them, talked a little about what they had done and on their costumes, and without delay began to dance. The volume of music was really high and if they wanted to communicate they had to scream in his ear, Anna looked very funny to see dance dressed mummy Lorence, rather, see a mummy dance. Time passed and they never tired of dancing over and over again, when a fellow Anna looked behind her and whispered "I seek you" and gave a nod to they looked behind him, it turned and smiled: it was Tom and Harry hasbian come for her, Tom was dressed as Batman, entirely, with the helmet that only showed down mouth, that was one of the reasons why Anna knew him, on the other hand Harry was disguised West gunslinger with his coat brown and cowboy hat. They moved away a little crowding, but the volume of the music down.
- thought I was not going to see you all night! - Anna said complaining.
- Anda ya ... - Tom laughed. Anna played Tom layer.
- currado disguise You've uh ... wow. - Said Anna to see the genre that was made the layer.
- Yours is very good, is original. - Tom said.
- Yes, of course, mine next to yours is crap. - Anna's comment Tom laughed proudly. He started a new song twice as strong.
- What were you doing in this part? This is the area of the deaf - Harry asked covering his ear.
- was the only place I could think of in which someone could have known ... you know, to couple to dance ... - Anna said with a shrug.
- Did not you come with the girls? - Tom asked in a hurry.
- Eh, yes, but we arrived separately at the time xD - said Anna and laughed, remembering they had left Ceel and Laura alone. Tom and Harry looked at each other with worried expressions, Anna felt out of place by not understanding such preocupación only because they had been separated .- Something wrong?
- No, not really, just that we were looking for Laura and if not you will have to look any further - "Harry said with a wry smile, he sounded Anna but little excuse not think it was something serious.
- I can go look, I will not bother you anymore, stay here if you want. - Tom said to Harry, Harry fully understood and nodded. Anna was beside himself with curiosity and more if the shots wereand where she believed.
- And what you're going to find? - Had to ask Anna. Tom sighed slightly, looked thoughtful.
Then Tom said, yes, Anna thought he had answered and also crucial, inforturnio but the chorus of the song deafened by that I could not hear absolutely nothing that Tom had answered.
- What? - Tom shouted Anna to repeat it. Now Tom looked happier and smiled.
- is the same, I go out, have to be there. - And Anna was leaving the word in the mouth.
When Tom was out the door was when Anna realized that she was alone with Harry. Long time no speak, if I remember the day in the woods, and all I had been thinking about Anna did not make him be more relaxed. So I kept talking about Tom.
- How do you know who is out?
- Because we have one hour walking around the gym and it is impossible to be here - "Harry eloquent. Both were silent looking at the door by which Tom had gone.
- Yes that is casting Tom then ... - said Anna, for some reason, I sensed that Harry had seen it.
- Tell me ... Do you wantdrink? - Harry proposed.
- Yes please. - Anna accepted practically had sweated all the punch he had drunk earlier. When they were on the table, the two were served punch.
- Well, and how are you exams? - Harry asked as he drank a sip.
- Oh well, actually I have not even begun to study hard, Monday's not very hard to say ... - Anna said while Harry was nodding. -; And you?
- I've had a couple this week, but nothing special ... - Anna discovered that Harry could not imagine studying. After that comment they were silent, but not an uncomfortable silence, but a silence to conversation. Harry, I had only to drink from his glass, was at that moment when Anna realized that what Laura said was true, Harry was too much for her social scope was too big.
Then, as he watched Anna moved the liquid in his glass, he noticed how Harry stood and cleared his throat. C
HTMLXC- Finally, lady ... if you'll excuse me ... - said goodbye to Harry while lifting the hat as the ancient jeans. Anna smiled at him and he went to the patio.
What was I thinking? It was more than obvious that Harry was not in my power, he had not even raised, and anyway I do not know much of anything ... of course I'm the worst, imagining things just because I was looking once again! Anyway, who cares ...
- Hey! I've been watching for a while, but was not sure if it was you, so eventually I came to make sure. - Danny said his bottle of beer, leaving behind Anna, narrowly missing him.
- Go for Tom and Harry just left ... - said Anna.
- Nah it is not them who wanted, they used me but went to find Laura by Tom ... Veníaa tell you if you wanted to go after. - Danny put proposediend arms akimbo.
- Did of next? - Anna asked puzzled.
- Do not you know anything? The festival is not just dance xD Tom has thought of everything and has organized ... is a kind of "hiding" - Danny tried to explain so that no child sounded, but did little to be dressed skeleton . Anna could not deny that Danny with that costume was very good-looking as he marked all the muscles ... and I was sure it was not the only one who had noticed. & Ndash; If you do not have any clear plan ... - said a little shy, she sabíaa not what he meant.
- Should I have them? - Anna said with a half smile.
- Ehm ... well I do not know, maybe you were with your boyfriend out there or something ... that is what couples usually do ... - Danny replied, scratching his neck, Anna was even more confused than before, and let out a loud laugh.
- My boyfriend? Claror, is that I have so many .... - Continued laughing, Danny blushed. - I have no boyfriend Danny, where did you get that? I know not with me you will not be smaller than you ...
- Well, maybe I confused ... sorry. - He responded by biting his tongue, his face showed satisfaction. - Well, then come? - Danny asked again excited.
- Sure, why not? It should be fun ... Donthe need to register?
- Out there, there ... - Danny said pointing to the back door - the game will be in the woods, to give more mystery - he added a mischievous grin.
- Then go back later when my friend ... because that does not begin until later, no?
- No no, at eleven eeesss ... I remember ... say half past eleven best xD - Danny said, touching his chin, his memorywas not very good to say. - So until then - were dismissed with a nervous gesture, Anna smiled when he went.
After a while of watching from one side to another in search of Debbie finally came out from the crowd.
- It's about time ... - Anna said a little angry.
- you want, because I'm the teacher took advantage. - Debbie replied indignantly.
- Yes of course, when I have doubts I'll wait until Monday to ask or go to the next day, at a party & hellip, - noted Anna - unless the teacher is like you know ... - and Debbie looked at askance. Debbie brought momentary expression of shock, and Anna looked at her confused and laughed. - Debbie was a joke ...
- I knew, how I think a teacher? Yuck, stop, stop ... - Debbie quickly responded as she poured orange juice, drank it in one gulp.
- No wonder you're thirsty, you take half my life talking about ... has Habidor times when I wished that people are engullese - Debbie laughed - really ... fuf. What would you say before Tom and Harry have been asking for Laura ...
- Yes? - Debbie asked, puzzled.
- Yes, yes, but do not know why ... - said Anna bother to remember the incident of the music.
- do suspect ... - Debbie said narrowing his eyes.
- Oh, and just now has been Danny - Debbie came even more interested - to see if we would play hide out there ... - Anna went away a putting little scowl.
- already, of course, boo ... - dismissively said Debbie - for me it.
- Really? I thought you were not sleeping for a month on these things - Anna laughed.
- And I am, but you're with me :) - Debbie said holding his arm. Anna laughed at the thought that comment would bodyguards.
- Then we have to go now, I think it will be a big turnout. - Proposed to Anna and began walking toward the door. - Danny was heavy fabric with me to play, so I asked a million times ...
- Tiaa see if you find out that Danny wants the mambo - Anna laughed nervously - trust me, yes, if all they tell you something is ...
yet knew what he was going to get.
- ... It seems that we have put to your friend - Eric said with a half smile, Debbie's face fell when he heard the comment confusing getting a little crazy - I bet it's letters, does not sound like your face ...
- Ah yes, it's at the other end of the school. - Debbie said, the man nodded.
- I see you've dressed up ... ballet dancer - said a little surprised the teacher to see the outfit. - Good choice. - Anadio as if assessing a project.
- The truth is that I can not think of anything, I was about to dress up cell ... - Debbie stressed lifting the index finger, he looked at her funny and laughed.
- would have been much better, no doubt ... - still laughing Eric, Debbie did not comment on the guise of their teacher because they considered indecent. As they spoke both up and down cast eyes, pretending that none of them realized, Debbie was forgottendo that was his chemistry teacher.
- Anyway, I'm not going to go see a scary movie would have to be crazy to do so. - Debbie said indignantly.
- Crazy? Well, I think there is no need to remind you where you are ... - Eric replied with an evil smile showing her teeth.
- already good, but that's apart ... - she said a bit stupefying.
- So, no I tell you now that you play the treasure hunt & amp; hellip;
- Is that not done in the camps? - Eric laughed at his comment.
- But this is a bit special, it will do in the woods behind the school and is finding a particular dress, according to people that this course is & hellip , - as he explained what he was going to Debbie fear. - Has to be interesting, I'm going to target. Something
walked back to Debbie, a sudden surge in the value of nowhere, usually the fact that a teacher is seeing & jugase; Iacute; a little pathetic, but she looked anything but pathetic. If you think about it, even knew why he had decided to play, if I were in their right mind from the beginning he had refused outright, but this was not the case.
- Anda not, has to be fun. - Debbie said, even she was giving credit to his words.
- Really? - Asked in surprise.
- Oh yes, yes, trust me II aim. - Eric smiled.
- Well hurry up, because there are a limited number of places. - Eric looked over their heads - we were! - And mixed in the crowd making a theatrical gesture, a hand grabbed the coat and when he turned the rose into the air.
Debbie sighed deeply, there was no time to lose, so I hurried out of the dough and go to the drinks table, which was supposed to be Anna. When it arrived it was somewhat stifled, and saw Anna's forehead restingon the table and the fluid moving in circles staring at his glass;the poor, sure has been waiting all the time.
- It's about time ... - Anna said she a little angry as I was coming.
- you want, because I'm the teacher took advantage. - Debbie replied mock outrage, he actually hurt a little having to lie.
- Yes, of course, when I have doubts I'll wait until Monday to ask or go to the next day, at a party... - Noted Anna - unless the teacher is like you know ... - and Debbie looked at askance. As I suspected Anna was no fool and knew, that was wrong for not telling the truth from the beginning. Anna looked at her confused and laughed. - Debbie was a joke ...
- I knew, how I think a teacher? Yuck, stop, stop ... - Debbie quickly responded as she poured orange juice, drank it in one gulp, of course this was going to take its toll. CHTM LXC
-No wonder you're thirsty, you take half my life talking about ... there has been times when I wished that people are engullese - Debbie laughed - really ... fuf. What would you say before Tom and Harry have been asking for Laura ...
-Yes? - Debbie asked, puzzled, Finally, another topic of conversation that I clearance.
-Yes, yes, but do not know why ... - said Anna bother to remember the incidbody of music.
-do suspect ... - Debbie said narrowing his eyes and said nothing more, both probably be thinking the same thing.
-Oh, and just now has been Danny - Debbie came even more interested - to see if we would play hide out there ... - Anna continued putting away a little sourly.
-already, of course, boo ... - said removing importDebbie elderly - for me it.
-Really? I thought you were not sleeping for a month on these things - Anna laughed.
-And I am, but you're with me :) - Debbie said holding his arm. Anna laughed at the comment, she was surprised to have such well prepared excuses.
-Then we have to go now, I think it will be a big turnout. - Proposed to Anna and began walking toward the door. - Danny was heavy fabricme to play, so I asked a million times ...
- Tiaasee if you find out that Danny wants the mambo - Anna laughed nervously - trust me so, if all they tell you something is ... never been so excited to play hide and seek with monsters.