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Ray Zender | Harmony Katz | |
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Danny Jones | James |
He was in his house, even at his home in Plymouth, its true home. The day was sunny andlike any other day I was typing on your computer, when suddenly his mother called from the other room, she said that soon went. He got up, opened the door and walked down the hall to meet his mother.
- What?
- What do not you studying? - His mother said sadly. Laura was totally confused. We heard yourback a laugh, a laugh that he was very familiar. At the turn around was in the room of Harmony with her lying in bed smiling, Lanefield room.
When he tried to speak he realized that his mouth covered with duct tape and want to move behind her tying her hands Kathryn. Laura began to shake him, and turning to look at Harmony Matt was sitting in a chair, covering his eyes behind Harmony, Laura began to mourn. Kathryn then began to spin on itself to dizzy until suddenly, someone stood with both arms, these two arms were muchand different from Kathryn, were strong arms that kept in place, now Laura was completely released, looked at the face and saw who was holding a smiling Tom.Laura was scared about not being who expected and hit a boat on the bed, woke up sweating and gasping for breath, wiped the sweat from his brow, looked around and saw ; the time: half past five o'clock. Since then we sleep volveríaa not her, so I got up trying not to wake their two companions who were in the deepest sleep. FIU took hisorme winter and went into the bathroom, after thoroughly washing the face was looking in the mirror ... that dream would not let her sleep for days and could not give sense, or at least did not want seen lounging. But it also had to attribute blame to the tests, the following week would be the first batch.
The dream was to be found fatigued throughout the day that made her think again and again in the same, as a vicious circle was accustomed too many turns to give the same and it did not help that era emotionally unstable, she knew that it was but I avoided them as well. Since coming to school the first day had problems, but if you look back also had good things happened when I thought it only good things veníaa a person's mind : Matt Willis.
met Al first went to Dougie and following him, Harry, and so on, she thought she had fallen into the same class as Dougie had been lucky, but then party had also brought him bad luck: meet the cheerleaders. In a mainprinciple the three were friends, or at least I thought Laura, but the view was that only had it in a test phase to see if I like them, but when he saw the likes of they were made he faced. Perhaps that was one of the biggest mistakes, from there began to spread false rumors about her like she was pregnant, to approve was sleeping with teachers, a contagious disease ... even made him play at the Bank , o. Those who knew her knew that it was obviously a lie, but those with sufficient contacts get what they wanted. At that time conocíaa Laura and Matt, and she could notdays had come to deny that chemistry between them, the girls also lied about what he did, decíao did not do or say Matt. Laura began to leave their friends and let your social life back, even her roommates felt repulsed by her, her world became pequeñoy was one of the times which was about to return to his hometown. Left his room just enough to go to classes and meals are made in the hall. Occasionally one of her friends visited or stopped to talk to her, but she only regretted. From here & amp; iacute;, Laura let you know what happened so that suddenly everything to return to their banks, people stopped whispering about it, what you got to know was that the matter had reached the ears Matt and he put things in place, do not know how or how, only knew that I would be eternally grateful.
A guy who brought that desperate for so long, the blunt black-haired boy, brown eyes and white skin, that despite appearing to be a looking-fights are concerned about the safety of all anteponíaa his friends before himself ... but & amp, desktop search, lately, the was confusing, as they hardly talked since last year, would be one of the reasons why more attention was now his friend Tom, who was always around him, and helping in everything in his power. It was even seriously reconsidering whether to give up Matt ...
When finished in the room after being immersed in his thoughts, took a thin scarf, bag and left, as he had plenty of time decided to go to the cafeteria ; to and study a little there, it would be warm. Just outside the building, his breath became securcute, in plenty of fog, the atmosphere was quite humid with the brown curls of her hair is accentuated even more, looked at the sky and wondered if he would allow time to reach cafeteria without rain which opposed him. Despite that, I just walked along the way and managed to laugh a little at the thought that if I did this cold day of the party were to spend four badly.
At the cafeteria, there were several people scattered like her who had gone to study in the cafeteria and the library had no heating. Approachedto coffee and espresso pulled, put on a table and took out books any more subjects to abstract, so it would be entertaining for the rest of the time.
technical drawing class ended at nine o'clock and Dougie was with her so they went outside to spend the free time they played. Dougie might not be with which he was most attached, but it was his lifelong friend, and although he could not deny that he was so handsome he had never felt drawn to him, maybe that's why they were good friends. As they
by one of the corridors as Dougie was always complaining about the uniform.
- 'm not kidding when I say that this shit chokes me .- Dougie replied as he loosened his tie a bit.
- As a teacher I see you know that I will wear it well again. - Laura said as he looked, he snorted.
- Prf, so I do not like winter uniform, at least for the summer let you go without the belt is ... Well, maybe I can take it away and use the tactic of last year. - Dougie said thoughtfully while squinting and wrinkled mouth.
- technical And what is that? - Asked Laura as Dougie tactics used to be pretty childish and without success.
- Aaammpprmaalankrerthiiiinn rragghhfre - Dougie started to gesticulate as if he were speaking Martian, Laura became frightened face but then laughed reluctantly. - Impersonate a foreign student school forever.
So none of the two had realized Matt came down the aisle.
- couple Hey, where are you going? - Enthusiastically asked Matt, Laura waited thinking that Dougie was going to respond, but he was still taking off his tie.
- So, now we went to the patio .... - Laura replied, looking directly at Matt now had all the hair blunt and dark blue jacket over his shoulder exposing the impeccable white shirt with red tie. Now find the going to help make the move with Tom.
- Oh well, I go with but I have now ... biology class - pointed behind Laura and Doug - and I thinkHarry grace would not be alone - said putting a wry smile. Matt was stuck in Laura's eyes, something in them because they would gradually became very serious. The situation became more uncomfortable than it already was.
- Well you're missing, we go as I have to finish homework physics and Laura will help me :) - Dougie said putting a hand on Matt's shoulder.
- &; Nbsp; bye dwarf - Matt was fired while the other two came to his side while Matt ruffled a little Dougie. Laura smiled and stood looking at each other until they finally ended the hall.
On the way Dougie said nothing of what had happened before, perhaps not wanting to delve into the wound or because it was crazy. Was like outside, Laura was grateful.
- we go? - Asked Laura as she descended the two steps, Harry smiled at her and started running.
be with Harry was completamente different from being with Dougie, the latter told him almost everything that was wrong but obviously things girls and vice versa.
- Before I met Matt ... - said it would be Laura.
- And? - Harry replied looking at her waiting for an explanation.
- Do not know ... - answered undecided Laura, I was a little scared because Harry always scolded. Harry sighed.
- Laura, we've talked about this, and do not think you should go on with Matt, it will not make more than damage, if at all this time Matt has not moved passed him. - Laura did not answer - also now have Tom. - Harry said giving him a gentle nudge, making you smile a little. - I'm telling you as your friend Matt who I am and I know what I mean.
- HEY! Wait for me! - Was heard in the distance. Both stopped and looked back.
- The missing ... - he whispered to Harry at the sight of Tom running towards them.
- Why do not I have waited? - Tom said looking at both. Harry glanced quickly Laura.
- Because you're too slow - Harry justified in giving it a head maletazo Tom, getting back to walking.
- Well, how about you was your day? I really have two more tests, I think I will blow your head especially if you strike me - Tom complained touching the neck and throwing a glare at Harry.
- & amp; nbsp; 're a fag ... I do not count the reviews that I have because if I lay hands on the head - laughed Harry.
- Now we must not think about it, you just have to focus on the party on Friday - said Laura making a small , or "wuw" ecstasy.
- Do you see? For that story to the minutes left - the three Harry laughed at the comment. CH TMLXC
-You go with the girls, right? - Laura nodded. - Well then we will already within the party ... - said Tom looked thoughtful. The rest of the way they did in silence except for some comments that arise. The first split was Laura who was in the 1-C, Harry in the 1-D and Tom in the 1-E, so she said goodbye and went their way.
He stood at the door of the building until he lost sight of, no matter how much more he thought, his decision was made.
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