CHAPTER 15 & nbsp; & nbsp;
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Laura Connors | Anna Scott | Debbie Hawkins |
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Ceel O'Neil | Tom Fletcher | James |
was Wednesday morning, yes, Wednesday, the second ded in the week that Debbie had kind of practical chemistry at first, physics, methods ... As every earlier Wednesday, was up early even though its first class will start at third hour, took a shower, put on his winter uniform recently changed to the summer, placed the loop of the shirt sticking out of the blue jacket as best he could and finally began to comb and get a good queue. After all, the ritual is said that is insufficient time for breakfast, return to the habitacióny brushing.
Sometimes, for some foods it was not necessarysary to go to the cafeteria, I provided in the lobby of your own building. Apace breakfast a bowl of cereal with orange juice, went back to his room which he shared with another girl who had gone to school, brushed teeth, took his suitcase and went to school. Because the pass was not very quick Debbie just came to class.
Yes, she sat alone in the front row when I could, began to take their notes, they really were crazy disorder. Suddenly everyone sat, Debbie was assumed that the arrival of the teacher, so he rushed twice for orderlyNAR everything.
- Good morning Hawkins. - Debbie heard above his head, when he entered? He had not even heard the "good morning" general.
- Good morning teacher - said Debbie giving one of his best smiles. He handed it back.
Yes, that was the reason why she took such a long ritual, thathated what she called up early in vain, but he did not consciously, just knowing there was chemistry class made him get up earlier than expected. Neither was aware that he was doing his best queue and even let her hair down to impress, or even stand to wear the red ribbon on his shirt. Professor Eric Szmanda was the one who brought it distracted in class from day one. Unfortunately Debbie was very amorous and it is difficult to put it place less on the teacher. You could say that was about vientimuchos, tall, brown eyes, brown hair combed a curious con care and most importantly, a captivating smile. Debbie knew he was a platonic love, like many others, of those with whom you're just happy to see him every day, to admire from afar. The peculiarity of this teacher was his youth, the closeness he had with his students with his constant jokes and intellect.
Class proceeded normally and as always at the end sent the homework, and as was customary Debbie was the last to leave class, not by choice but because of itself was slow and more , s if it was in chemistry class.
- Hawkins Well, today I have been more attentive to the last class - the teacher told him as he picked up his things. He had to close the class.
- Yes? It is good that the exams are approaching and I have to be careful .- Debbie lied. Discretion was not one of the strengths of it, so he avoided looking at him.
- C HTMLXC That's fine, if you ever need help do not hesitate to ask me, no matter which class time is not ... - only that it made the mind of Debbie fly like a bird cage, gawk looking both to the eyes, she with her mouth ajar and him with an amused expression. - Are we going?
Debbie put it wide-eyed, clear evidence of surprise, understanding the intentions of the teacher according to what his imagination had shown him. The teacher put a wry smile, that Debbie did not really know what he meant.He got the keys to the clasea the height of the face and moved to make clear what he meant, it made him realize that Debbie had long since had finished collecting. This nodded, took his maletíny led the way, the professor went on and when they were in the door, as he closed, she ventured:
- ; Szmanda Thanks professor. - Said the girl earnestly. He gave her another smile of hers.
- & nbsp; Sure. - Had been facing each other, waiting for one of the two was, when Szmanda seemed to realize something just as Debbie was turning. - By the way, you're going to the Halloween party? - Debbie's face fell confused, not knowing anything about the party, but remembered seeing signs days ago by the school.
- Well, sure ... I do not know. Why?
- I do not know, as all students are going, I was wondering if you would go or you'd be studying ... - it was a rather obvious pique at her, it was a small or pout.
- Still ... I think I would force - both laughed. And were moving away from each other.
- Until then - said Szmanda.
- & am, To be exact pineapple. Surely girls would be waiting in the yard, since he met Anna breaks were all together. In one of the banks that were outside were Ceel, Anna and Laura, and soon joined the group that greeted -
Can you imagine that you lose? - Askedamp; nbsp;Yes, you're coming with us, right? - Anna said that more than an invitation, it sounded like an order. -
Yeah, well, I've heard today, but let no problem ... -
I've been thinking that the costume ... - Ceel said reluctantly - and I do not know what to go, is that if in itself I do not like these things ... -
could go this weekend to Oxford to take a look. - Laura suggested looking at all. -
For me it, but I know Oxford at all. - Anna said. -
No problem, I have a map, a map will reach everywhere - Debbie replied with conviction . The rest of the rest was spent discussing what hnow and where they would be on Saturday to buy the costumes, in the days remaining until Saturday think their costumes and the party would be in a week and a half.
When they left each to its kind, Ceel went alone to the art classrooms, Laura went with Debbie because classes were always close and Anna went on her own. Debbie while she was with Anna Laura could see him talking to that friend high pronounced jaw and if I remember was also a friend of Laura. When you think of guys could not help thinking back to Szmanda, the truth is that girls had not said anything sobre him, I felt silly, really had no meaning for her, or should not have.During the day, Debbie found a couple of times with their teacher, but she did not even greet shame, it is more likely that he or settled out of class your name, a student again, as it should be. At the end of the day, Debbie was going to explode the head, because even though Wednesday was one of the class had fewer days, the subjects required much effort. He went to his building slowly, althoughthe cold was increasingly this was nice at that time. Debbie thought it would soon have to remove the scarf and gloves, jacket navy would no longer be suficente, his thoughts began to fly into your clothes, to what would have to buy, to outputs, towards the afternoon ... and again, until the suggestion of his professor after school aid.
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