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Anna Scott | James | Tom Fletcher |
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Debbie Hawkins | Ceel O'Neil | Laura Connors |
after performing each and that Laura was sure that no one was at the point where I was looking at Anna, but I could imagine. They decided to spend the break in the stands, but was starting to get cold was bearable, all sat under Anna stood in front of them.
The gradas were wooden planks that they circled the athletic field in sections, to be quite a large area is hardly crowded.
talked about basic things, where they were, the schools from which they came, the family ... All the subjects reported that none of them had a boyfriend, some because they had recently left and others because they simply did not have.
- Well, let, me with what I've seen, I agree. - All burst out laughing.
- & amp; nbsp; Debbie already, but it is impossible to know these people, it should contact - Anna said with disappointment.
- Well it is in my hand that people may know, is not that the whole school knows, but it I can introduce - Ceel and he said to Debbie.
- ... It would be nice - leave it in the air Ceel.
After several conversaciones, the bell rang and Deb and Laura had class this time, so they went together. When the court was cleared, the other two climbed into the top tier for Ceel sit with his back against the wall and Anna in the stands horizontally. Ceel
was entertaining with his iPod Touch as Anna humming a song by moving your feet, when several people were footsteps approaching, but both ignored. While Anna had her eyes closed, someone made the threat of throwing it aside, so that Anna was awakened with a start and holding fast to those who wanted to throw it away, then beganthe boy to laugh and she could see it was Tom who gave him the shock followed by James.
- Woe to you - said Anna putting it in the stands.
- "Free time? - Asked Tom. Anna nodded. - I also do not know xD this
- Well lets leave it at thatair - concluded James.
- Tom Oh look, this girl in my class and is from London! - Anna said, leaning back in the stands to make in the field of view Ceel.
- Really? - Tom said excitedly. - What part?
- In KnightsbridgeAnd you? - Answered with the same enthusiasm Ceel, it seemed that the school does not have many people in London.
- I of Harrow. What brings you here? Londoners tend to stay in the universities there ...
- Really? I know not, but I do not settle for a graduate of London, I'd rather be at Oxford.
- & nbsp; The truth is that yes, it is better ... By the way I'm Tom.
- I Ceel.
- And I James - was included Tom James from behind with a smile. Ceel waved him smiling back.
The conversation went smoothly from a few laughs. Ceel got used very well and in view of Anna and Tom, was hit it off particularly wellJames. Ceel
was duped by the childishness of James and the easy conversation that could bring with him the things he was doing, how to speak, was unaware of it. James was totally focused on it, it seemed a beautiful girl with a very sincere, perhaps critical, he loved to hear the sound of her laughter. There were moments when the group was divided into two, so Tom decided to comment:
- Will you go to the Halloween party? - He said, looking atll.
- Is there a party of it?
- course, well now they have begun publishing in the classroom, but it does every year. "You will come?
- For my own - said Anna excited.
- Itcostumes, takes place at night throughout the school, but mainly in the hall. Some times they even games ... - as we had Tom, it seemed the best party that had ever done. - And is the contest for best costume obviously.
- Well to me that dressing up .... I do not like - said Ceel faced skeptical.
- Come on, if we go all dressed up! - Tried to convinceJames.
- patched no exception .- Tom.
- Well well, there is still time to party, it gives me time to think about it :)
- uuuhh already thinking it should go in disguise, you see - He laughed a little Anna.
- & nbsp; Yes, I'll tell you mine is secret ... - Tom said proudly.
- course, this thing is that the party has been planned since last year - decided by James riesen all.
- Hey we gotta go, we said we would only be a while. Is that Danny and Harry are out there playing football - lTom is said to the girls for education.
- No worries, gone, I think I'm going to class and soon will play. - Anna said, this made Ceel looked at Tom and Anna, and seeing the looks on their faces, became totally adverse and stood next to Anna.
- is true, yes, I have volume. - Ceel distracted said while shaking her uniform skirt. CHT
MLXC - For that, we are already!
- &; Nbsp; How have dropped these two? -Ceel knew very well where Anna wanted to go with that question, but did not care.
- Very good, very cute ... - Anna kept looking at his face to see if he could be relieved. - Yes it is good, James is very interesting.
- all? & Ndash, Anna asked with raised eyebrows.
- For now, yes. - Or at least that's what Ceel wanted to believe. Anna just nodded.
Ceel reached the building, who left her at the door and Anna went on. He climbed the stairs to his room, luckily the girl I shared a room was not yet, shut the door behind him, and let out a deep sigh he did not know was holding. This did not sound like the sighr tired, if not another type of breath ... He looked toward the window and he broke into a smile that was even baring teeth, self-absorbed.
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