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Eric Szmanda | Laura Connors | |
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TMLXC | Ceel O'Neil |
Saturday had been in the front office at nine o'clock, and had been informed that they had to be at eight o'clock. Anna had been talking to Tom the night before on what they would do that day.
- No thanks, I prefer to stay in school with the boys, would also be a bit strange that the purchase was a lot of chicas ...
- Anda ya - Anna began to laugh.
- also seems like a good idea to take you to Laura at Oxford in those days. - Anna got confused by the strange face of his friend's comment .- Well I do not think that Harmony or any of these occur to them to make a joke to Laura, you know? The less you know Laura better. Anna
not sought to question in that regard, Tom wouldmore idea of what to do to her, but feared that Laura did not know anything about this and take it amiss.
- worry I have not spoken more or less than this with Laura ... - that "more or less" sounded very strange , or Anna.
The truth is that Tom had always watched very protective of Laura, Laura obviously protected all of the cheerleaders, but not as to Tom, he was always aware of everything, even things in which nobody Anna would be dangerous ... she reminded herself that she would have to talkthe case with Laura later.
- What point - said Anna just steps away from her friends. - I see Debbie is not here yet ...
- late I hope nota lot ... - Laura said, still looking down the hall. Indeed
not delayed too much, just five minutes with the excuse of having fallen asleep. Once all gathered, led the way for the people who had to travel on foot, luckily the bus stop was just outside the village, the Q-14. Ceel sat down with Debbie and Laura, Anna, could not miss this opportunity. Ceel Debbie fell asleep right away and turned to observe the landscape.
- Well, and that this with Tom? - Anna dared AFTER & amp; eacute; s to think five times the question.
- what? - Laura replied, wondering if something was missed.
- Well I do not know, is that it's the last time I saw you with Harmony had much affection, well it's normal right? Do not get me wrong but I mean ... well you know what I mean - Anna ended before becoming a mess. Did not even know why heraised the issue of Harmony, was the first thing that popped into his head.
- Oh you mean that ... Well the truth is that I'm not sure, I think I like but do not know if what it does done because it feels compelled or if you feel something for me ... - Laura said with a grimace of disgust.
- could talk to him. - Anna suggested, it was silly but it was to give a solution.
- & amp; nbsp; not worry, I will have to go. - Laura replied, appeared before a considered response, it made him think that Anna had already given him some time around the bush.
- I think Tom is a good guy, can be a bit surly but is unaware of it ...
- Well, you know since last month and seems to know him better than I & Hellip, - both laughed.
- I do not know, it is strange, since the first day we connect very well, it's like when you meet someone and want to know everything about him ... Well think no evil, I speak of friendship. - Laura nodded, he understood well. - I think he was the one that has approached me, I at first I was too embarrassed to approach and actually even talk to me about the rest of the group I do not know is that among which are larger and handsome ... - that comment was that Laura started to laugh out loud.
- Yes yes yes, what about Danny? - Laura asked with mischievous eyes.
- Que. - Anna said to believe that Laura was going to tell something about it.
- What do you do? I heard that will not stop talking about you. - Anna was freaking out.
- Really?
- Oh yes.
- had no idea ... Well the day I left with you something happened at night, but had no ; of importance because he was drunk ...
- Yes, but when est & aacute; drunk is he who speaks it! - The two girls were startled to hear another voice, looked to the side and saw Debbie Ceel and watching, was Ceel he had said that. The four began to laugh, the truth is that they were speaking in a tone quite high, and well, neither was it a secret.
- In any case, be careful, because when Danny prowls no-nonsense ... - said Laura.
- Anna uuuhh it succeed! - SaidDebbie.
- I do not know who he is. _. - Added Ceel.
- I do not eh ... - Debbie told - but it was to say something .- Anna advantage that had brought the subject wanted ask Laura.
- What do you know Harry? The truth is that we have submitted valid but sometimes I do not know lor crook looking or something ... Not to sound but it is believed that one misses me, maybe mine is nonsense - Anna wanted to fix what he had said, it was feared that sounded too arrogant.
- Bah not give importance Harry in these things is very Ceel hear his ball ... because I have learned something about James & hellip ;. - Said Laura, Anna had not gone unnoticed by the comment, it sounded rather to "leave it, it is within your reach" but not so bad,if not that Harry was like "Matt"
- Damn it you find out other things - said Debbie.
- What have you heard? - Laura Ceel asked concerned. Anna laughed a little Ceel showing interest and the answer I gave on the day he asked.
- I do not know, Tom just told me that James has spoken of you, but I have not said that ... - answered Laura.
Debbie was about to tell you about the teacher, but did not see the time and did not consider it important enough to tell if her imagination would surely be.finally reached Oxford, albeit a little late. Debbie pulled down nothing great urban map and opened it, the other three got around to watching.
- If I remember correctly, I think it was thisstreet, the whole area has shops such ... - Laura said, pointing to a street map.
- OK .... Then it is straight J Oxford really is not that big. - Said Debbie satisfied with your map.
- Yes because you loose me here and I assure you that I miss, but this quickly. - Anna told him that the face of Ceel agreed with her. They all laughed and startedaron walking. Oxford
had no major streets, and there were many historical buildings everywhere, but he was not very classy skyscrapers, the buildings were really beautiful, some came to look like castles, for Ceel all that seemed very different from London.When they reached the center of the city were put to work. Not for nothing is decided and changed your mind about the costume that would lead several times. The morning flew by, had not yet bought anything and it was lunch time, mostly because the stomach began to beg for food. They stopped to eat at McDonald's; Nbsp;
No, seriously, I'm thinking of resorting to the easy. - Laura reported.
Like what - Anna asked skeptically.-
As caperucita. - Laura said all serious, the others burst out laughing.-
caperucita If you go to I go from Minnie - a & ntilde; adio Ceel. The three looked at her face questioning.-
Why? - Debbie asked curious.-
not know is that before I saw in a store such as a cute little ears ... and the truth, do not rule. Ceel he explained. Anna shrugged, what else could they do? Not that they had a clear idea of what they wanted.When finished eating, they resumed their b & amp, desktop search, Search for the costumes until they found a tent big enough that it was well completita, had decided that this would be the final store. The four were dispersed as they were looking, until he ran into Anna Ceel which was high a little red dress with white polka dots full except for torso. -
Think you have white gloves? - Asked Ceel looking everywhere dress. -
& nbsp;should have - he said noting also the dress and could not say softly. - Is not it a bit small? -
way I want, but do not worry, this is done under a petticoat. - Ceel replied with a smile. Anna smiled, too, would have to do this costume because ...
Do you know where I can find some guy like , Roman or something?-
Mmmm ... looking for the medieval, maybe find something, but do not make me much attention.Anna was moving into the area, actually had a section of Rome, soldiers, emperors ... but when he reached the part of the Greeks opened the sky, saw the perfect costume, goddess Greek. Without losing a moment he began to find the accessories I needed for the costume I had in mind and I thought that the more difficult it would be found eventually went to ask. On the way he metLaura who accompanied her and explained what he wanted to reach the man Anna said -
Sorry ... - the man turned around - was looking like a kind of armor, but armor is not ... would be like .... eehh uuhh ... ... - Anna began to gesticulate with his hands, one hand made way over your chest, it certainly did not know how to explain it - just for that area.
- Ah ok, now I bring. - The man was in his quest and the other two waited.
Damn shame - Anna Laura said softly, the other could not help laughing. The man came to the subject at hand. -
Is this it? - Anna nodded. - For here is, uh well, I think he should try just in case ... well ... - at the time, Laura had to turn around to laugh because I thought he died. The man's face was a poem.-
Yes thanks. - Anna took the snap and walked away from the man to laugh at clean laugh.The rest of the afternoon was spent in the store and looking for some add that they were necessary and were not able to come back another day to buy what is missing. Laura had bought things to dress up as little red riding hood sexy, Ceel Minnie, Anna and Debbie Greek goddess dancer. AsAnna had been observed, Debbie could not just show off for stability and found it very ironic that it was to disguise herself as a dancer, at first thought she had chosen for that, but when asked é ; sta started laughing and said he had not noticed.
Winter was rapidly approaching and to note especially at night, and despite all wearing jackets and sweatshirts, the steam was inevitable. When they reached the school after making the journey from the village, they fired into buildings. -
;Well I'll see you in the cafeteria, tomorrow or whenever. - Debbie said. -
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