until Ray returns to make appearance \u0026lt;3 good that you read and all that stuff: D
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Anna Scott | Tom Fletcher | Laura Connors |
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Ceel O'Neil | Debbie Hawkins |
Anna entered her building, went through the hall where people were just, went upstairs and went to his room. He was surprised to get the key pitch and was not seen Ray in making sketches listening to music, when he heard the door closevant head and smiled to see Anna.
- What have you bought in the end? - Asked Ray to Anna, his eyes followed her as she sighed, threw the bags in her bed and pulled on it without removing the jacket.
- For the end I will go Greek goddess look ... - it was incorporated and began to take things a to education.
- & nbsp; know that I love, right? - Ray said looking around. Anna just smiled. - D, I still do not know what I'm going ... and it's not having much money ... I'll have to beg there.
- could borrow and ready.
- Do not think that I have not thought ... - said Ray rubbed & amp; aacute; NDOS chin.
- Hey, have you eaten yet? Because I'm me and the table. - Anna said, touching his stomach.
- No, I was waiting, I have a light snack strong:)
- ; Do we eat here in the hall?
- &; Nbsp; Nooo this is very sad.
- Well, let - Anna concluded, both got up and started running towards the cafeteria.
When they left the building, Ray took his hand to Anna. The tokens of affection on his part were normal, but unusual.
- Well, what have you done today? - Asked Anna.
- & nbsp; Almost nothing, I've only been around from room to room you know ... I have pasta to go, how sad. But you sure you've heard a lot of stuff - Ray said to look interesting. Anna was aware of everything that happened.
- Then Laura told me that Danny is interested in me ... - Anna said nervously.
- & amp; nbsp; Really? Well, you know you have to do - Ray advised moving eyebrows.
- No, I do not know, actually I have fear. I do not know how it is Danny, I know not what they really want.
- seems you're talking about a rapist ... come on, do not be silly, if it is to dip bread bowl and let Vacuum - Anna could not help laughing out loud. - But hey, if notwant the thing go well, PimPam, you can dodge a little and a little more research. Maybe he can get something for that friend of yours, Tom. Anna
looked thoughtful, Ray looked at her and saw that I was really worried, gave a little "aaiii" and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She was grateful for the understanding of his friend.
Due to the cold of the night were very attached, making comments, laughing clubs on cold hacíay thus penetrated into the cafeteria I was a bit full.
Harry did not hac & iacuI, to grace Harmony accompany him to the soda machine, even wanted to accompany him around the corner, the little experience I had with she knew was not a good background, and never stopped talking. He bought her a Red Bull and Coca-Cola Cherry, it was obvious that she waddled to the slightest movement, he sighed. When they returned to the table that was beyond the counter, watching the cafeteríaa Harry was moving slowly in circles its tin. Then, suddenly, he saw that long brown hair, unmistakably to him, Anna. Part of him was pending Harmony, who had stumbled consciously to make your ride with him longer, and the other part of the carefree girl. Harry stopped and half turned to look at Harmony when it was incorporated in shame at not getting your attention, he turned back to Anna's head was whispering and laughing with the guy I was holding. Harmony continued the focus of Harry and also got to see, then understand why so much attention, stood by his height and said
-Best of all, you share a room with him ... - Harmony said without looking away from Anna and with a mischievous smile on his lips. As she had expected it, Harry's hands tightened a little, but his face was impassive. He had found a new game.
Harry just shrugged and started walking towards the table, the other only gave him sipping his can with the same smile that he had spoken. Different thoughts when they were crossing their minds. Arriving at the table Danny, James and Matt were talking about it: what would the Halloween party. When they stopped talking to get the twoHarry automatically sat next to Matt with his back to Harmony that was still standing.
- do not know whom we have seen? - Got the attention of everyone. James and Danny stared at her and Matt turned around a bit. - Anna Scott with the boy in his room ... - the tone in which it said made it clear what is meant. Harry did not flinch, even turned to look at her because I knew their intentions, as & iacutee, which was devoted to drink his can observe sideways at Danny, who now had the full brow furrowed. James continued to play his chips.
- How will having a guy roommate? - Was all I asked Matt. - The rules say must be of the same sex.
- Well, and what happens, is it bad to be with a boy? &; Ndash; innocently said James, who had not stopped eating. Everyone looked at each other because they can not answer for the obvious face of Danny.
- Well, I would like to know why she can have a boy as a companion and I can not have an aunt. - Matt was complaining while slicing their little bowl of pudding. Everyone looked at the table where Anna sat with her friend until they realized. Harmony
sat across from Matt just as he finallyout the pudding, so I got up to support both hands on the table.
- Well I'm going now, I have things to do. - And once said he turned and went, the others departed from him in a brief. Leaving
and Harmony with the word in the mouth, it clucked in disgust, what made James laugh.
- You shut up - he sent Harmony James with a big smile. Harry looked at her raising a skeptical eyebrow shapepolicy. James just kept smiling and went back to his: eat. He looked at Danny who was still frowning staring at nothing .- What is it Danny? Looks like you've eaten the cat tongue. - Said with feigned innocence.
- is that it has ... - Harry replied squeezing the can was not just that torture and his friend. Harmony before the stern gaze of Harry just twisted his mouth and rested his chin in one hand.
Anna was briskly to catch table as quickly as she would allow the stability of soda over his tray, the table was next to the door. When they were seated opposite each other, they ate in silence as they both were hungry, had before them a delicious rice dish with vegetables, a piece of meat and some mashed potatoes, Ray had been caught double the portion of Anna more chips. Soon to be eating Ray was already with the antenna placed around the world watching as Anna walked entertaining taking the rice with a fork:
- ; Your friends and the prostitute are facing here. - Ray said looking at them directly.
- Heh? - The first had not understood what he had said, but then his brain processed and released an instinctive "Ah." Then without thinking, turned to see who she meant.
Fortunately lenses had made, and a quick glance he could see standing Harmony and Matt, James and Danny sitting facing his desk, the only one who had his backHarry was, but Danny's face conveyed pure confusion. Anna quickly came around and opened her eyes looked at Ray.
- do not understand. - Anna said, sitting up on the seat and getting nervous.
- Surely you are watching your ass. - Ray said, shaking his head with squeamishness, they laughed a lot.
After a while Anna got to forget a bit, especially when Raand suddenly let out a belch that made him put an upright and head with the position a cat gets a hairball spitting, belching sounded as if the call of Tarzan. Anna burst into laughter to stoop.
- Sorry - Ray apologized behind his hand vertically, this made even Anna riese Moreover, when both infected with laughter.
When the dust settled, Anna realized that Matt passed beside them and waved to him from far away with a strange smile, she answers & oacute, shaking hands and smiling. I could not help wondering why they had spoken at the table.
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